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약용 생물자원, 논문, 약재, 구성성분, 메타데이터
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한국한의학연구원 2021-10-14 2021-11-26 무기한
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264 Humuli Strobilus Hops 호프 忽布 홉, 홀포(忽布) 구과: 열매가 성숙함에 따라 열매 둘레에 목질의 비늘조각이 벌어지는 과실 이 약은 홉 <i>Humulus lupulus</i> Linné (뽕나무과 Moraceae)의 잘 익은 구과(毬果)이다. J F Stevens, A W Taylor, M L Deinzer Quantitative analysis of xanthohumol and related prenylflavonoids in hops and beer by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A 832 1-2 97-107 1999.2.05 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10070768 A method for quantitation of six prenylflavonoids (xanthohumol, isoxanthohumol, desmethylxanthohumol, 6- and 8-prenylnaringenins and 6-geranylnaringenin) in hops and beer by HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry has been developed. The method allows direct analysis of beer and crude methanolic extracts of hops. After HPLC separation, prenylflavonoids were detected by positive ion multiple-reaction monitoring using a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer equipped with a heated nebulizer--atmospheric pressure chemical ionization interface. The accuracy and precision were evaluated by replicate analyses of (spiked) samples. Thirteen commercial beers were analysed with the method. Isoxanthohumol, formed by isomerization of xanthohumol during the brewing process, was the most abundant flavonoid in hopped beers, ranging from 0.04 to 3.44 mg/l.
322 Mantidis Ootheca 상표초 桑螵蛸 알이 들어 있는 알집 이 약은 사마귀 <i>Tenodera angustipennis</i> Saussure, 좀사마귀 <i>Statilia maculata</i> (Thunberg) 또는 넓적배사마귀 <i>Hierodula patellifera</i> (Serville) (사마귀과 Mantidae)의 알이 들어 있는 알집을 찐 것이다. B S Hahn, S Y Cho, S J Wu, I M Chang, K Baek, Y C Kim, Y S Kim Purification and characterization of a serine protease with fibrinolytic activity from Tenodera sinensis (praying mantis). Biochim Biophys Acta 1430 2 376-86 1999.3.19 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10082965 Mantis egg fibrolase (MEF) was purified from the egg cases of Tenodera sinensis using ammonium sulfate fractionation, gel filtration on Bio-Gel P-60 and affinity chromatography on DEAE Affi-Gel blue gel. The protease was assessed homogeneous by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and has a molecular mass of 31500 Da. An isoelectric point of 6.1 was determined by isoelectric focusing. Amino acid sequencing of the N-terminal region established a primary structure composed of Ala-Asp-Val-Val-Gln-Gly-Asp-Ala-Pro-Ser. MEF readily digested the Aalpha- and Bbeta-chains of fibrinogen and more slowly the gamma-chain. The nonspecific action of the enzyme results in extensive hydrolysis of fibrinogen and fibrin releasing a variety of fibrinopeptide. The enzyme is inactivated by Cu2+ and Zn2+ and inhibited by PMSF and chymostatin, yet elastinal, aprotinin, TLCK, TPCK, EDTA, EGTA, cysteine, beta-mercaptoethanol, iodoacetate, E64, benzamidine and soybean trypsin inhibitor do not affect activity. Antiplasmin was not sensitive to MEF but antithrombin III inhibited the enzymatic activity of MEF. Among chromogenic protease substrates, the most sensitive to MEF hydrolysis was benzoyl-Phe-Val-Arg-p-nitroanilide with maximal activity at pH 7.0 and 30 degrees C. MEF preferentially cleaved the oxidized B-chain of insulin between Leu15 and Tyr16. D-Dimer concentrations increased on incubation of cross-linked fibrin with MEF, indicating the enzyme has a strong fibrinolytic activity.
214 Galla Rhois Rhus Galls 오배자 五倍子 벌레집: 나무에 기생하는 진딧물이 벌레집을 만드는데, 봄에는 잎표면에 소름처럼 돋아나고 가을에는 주머니처럼 생긴 벌레집을 만든다. 벌레집의 겉은 울퉁불퉁하고 속에는 죽은 벌레와 벌레의 분비물이 들어 있다. 이 약은 붉나무 <i>Rhus javanica</i> Linné, 청부양 (靑麩楊) <i>Rhus potaninii</i> Maximowicz 또는 홍부양 (紅麩楊) <i>Rhus punjabensis</i> Stew. var. <i>sinica</i> Rehder et Wilson (옻나무과 Anacardiaceae)의 잎 위에 주로 오배자면충 <i>Schlechtendalia chinensis</i> Bell (면충과 Pemphigidae)이 기생하여 만든 벌레집이다. 외형에 따라 두배 (肚倍)와 각배 (角倍)로 나뉜다. M Kurokawa, P Basnet, M Ohsugi, T Hozumi, S Kadota, T Namba, T Kawana, K Shiraki Anti-herpes simplex virus activity of moronic acid purified from Rhus javanica in vitro and in vivo. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 289 1 72-8 1999.4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10086989 Rhus javanica, a medicinal herb, has been shown to exhibit oral therapeutic anti-herpes simplex virus (HSV) activity in mice. We purified two major anti-HSV compounds, moronic acid and betulonic acid, from the herbal extract by extraction with ethyl acetate at pH 10 followed by chromatographic separations and examined their anti-HSV activity in vitro and in vivo. Moronic acid was quantitatively a major anti-HSV compound in the ethyl acetate-soluble fraction. The effective concentrations for 50% plaque reduction of moronic acid and betulonic acid for wild-type HSV type 1 (HSV-1) were 3.9 and 2.6 microgram/ml, respectively. The therapeutic index of moronic acid (10.3-16.3) was larger than that of betulonic acid (6.2). Susceptibility of acyclovir-phosphonoacetic acid-resistant HSV-1, thymidine kinase-deficient HSV-1, and wild-type HSV type 2 to moronic acid was similar to that of the wild-type HSV-1. When this compound was administered orally to mice infected cutaneously with HSV-1 three times daily, it significantly retarded the development of skin lesions and/or prolonged the mean survival times of infected mice without toxicity compared with the control. Moronic acid suppressed virus yields in the brain more efficiently than those in the skin. This was consistent with the prolongation of mean survival times. Thus, moronic acid was purified as a major anti-HSV compound from the herbal extract of Rhus javanica. Mode of the anti-HSV activity was different from that of ACV. Moronic acid showed oral therapeutic efficacy in HSV-infected mice and possessed novel anti-HSV activity that was consistent with that of the extract.
152 Curcumae Longae Rhizoma Curcuma Longa Rhizome 강황 薑黃 뿌리줄기 (땅속으로 뻗어있는 뿌리모양의 줄기로서 줄기의 마디에서 잔뿌리를 낸다.) 이 약은 강황(薑黃) <i>Curcuma longa</i> Linné (생강과 Zingiberaceae)의 뿌리줄기로서 속이 익을 때까지 삶거나 쪄서 말린 것이다. M H Pan, T M Huang, J K Lin Biotransformation of curcumin through reduction and glucuronidation in mice. Drug Metab Dispos 27 4 486-94 1999.4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10101144 Curcumin, the yellow pigment in turmeric and curry, has antioxidative and anticarcinogenic activities. In this study, we investigated the pharmacokinetic properties of curcumin in mice. After i.p. administration of curcumin (0.1 g/kg) to mice, about 2.25 microg/ml of curcumin appeared in the plasma in the first 15 min. One hour after administration, the levels of curcumin in the intestines, spleen, liver, and kidneys were 177.04, 26.06, 26.90, and 7.51 microg/g, respectively. Only traces (0.41 microg/g) were observed in the brain at 1 h. To clarify the nature of the metabolites of curcumin, the plasma was analyzed by reversed-phase HPLC, and two putative conjugates were observed. Treatment of the plasma with beta-glucuronidase resulted in a decrease in the concentrations of these two putative conjugates and the concomitant appearance of tetrahydrocurcumin (THC) and curcumin, respectively. To investigate the nature of these glucuronide conjugates in vivo, the plasma was analyzed by electrospray. The chemical structures of these metabolites, determined by mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry analysis, suggested that curcumin was first biotransformed to dihydrocurcumin and THC and that these compounds subsequently were converted to monoglucuronide conjugates. Because THC is one of the major metabolites of curcumin, we studied its stability at different pH values. THC was very stable in 0.1 M phosphate buffers of various pH values. Moreover, THC was more stable than curcumin in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2 (37 degrees C). These results, together with previous findings, suggest that curcumin-glucuronoside, dihydrocurcumin-glucuronoside, THC-glucuronoside, and THC are major metabolites of curcumin in vivo.
22 Allii Bulbus Garlic 대산 大蒜 호산(葫蒜) 인경: 비늘줄기. 줄기의 밑 부분에 다수의 비늘조각이 줄기를 둘러싸고 지하 저장기관의 역할을 하는 부분 이 약은 마늘 <i>Allium sativum</i> Linné (백합과 Liliaceae)의 비늘줄기이다. I Krest, M Keusgen Quality of herbal remedies from Allium sativum: differences between alliinase from garlic powder and fresh garlic. Planta Med 65 2 139-43 1999.3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10193205 Alliinase (EC has been isolated from commercially available garlic (Allium sativum L., Alliaceae) powder and was investigated with respect to its use as ingredient of herbal remedies. The enzyme was purified to apparent homogeneity and results were compared with those obtained from a sample of fresh A. sativum var. pekinense. The purification of the enzyme involved a gel filtration step as well as affinity chromatography on concanavalin-A agarose. Vmax using L-(+)-alliin as substrate (252 mumol min-1 mg-1) was at the lower range of data given in the literature (214-390 mumol min-1 mg-1). L-(-)-Alliin was also accepted as substrate (54 mumol min-1 mg-1). Vmax for alliinase from A. sativum var. pekinense was at 332 mumol min-1 mg-1 and 90 mumol min-1 mg-1 for L-(+)- and L-(-)-alliin, respectively. The Km values for alliinase from garlic powder were estimated to be 1.6 mM for L-(+)-alliin and 2.8 mM for L-(-)-alliin. In contrast to literature values, both temperature and pH optima were somewhat higher (36 degrees C and pH 7.0 versus 33 degrees C and pH 6.5, respectively). The enzyme was found to be active in a range from pH 5 to pH 10. Gel electrophoresis gave evidence that the alliinase obtained from garlic powder consisted of two slightly different subunits with molecular weights of 53 and 54 kDa whereas alliinase obtained from fresh garlic consists of two identical subunits. It is assumed that the alliinase gets significantly altered during the drying process of garlic powder but is still capable to convert alliin to allicin.
229 Ginkgo Folium Ginkgo Leaf 은행엽 銀杏葉 이 약은 은행나무 <i>Ginkgo biloba</i> Linné (은행나무과 Ginkgoaceae)의 잎이다. A Biber, E Koch Bioavailability of ginkgolides and bilobalide from extracts of ginkgo biloba using GC/MS. Planta Med 65 2 192-3 1999.3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10193211 The bioavailability of ginkgolides A, B and bilobalide was studied in rats after single oral administration of 30, 55 and 100 mg/kg Ginkgo extract EGb 761. The plasma levels of the terpene lactones were measured by a specific GC/MS method. The pharmacokinetics of the mentioned substances were found to be dose-linear. For the lowest dose maximum concentrations were 68, 40 and 159 ng/ml and half-lives 1.7, 2.0 and 2.2 h for ginkgolide A, B and bilobalide, respectively. Clearance values ranged from 24.2 to 37.6 ml/min/kg.
183 Eriobotryae Folium Eriobotrya Leaf 비파엽 枇杷葉 이 약은 비파나무 <i>Eriobotrya japonica</i> Lindley (장미과 Rosaceae)의 잎이다. H A Jung, J C Park, H Y Chung, J Kim, J S Choi Antioxidant flavonoids and chlorogenic acid from the leaves of Eriobotrya japonica. Arch Pharm Res 22 2 213-8 1999.4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10230515 The antioxidant activity of Eriobotrya japonica was determined by measuring the radical scavenging effect on DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical and lipid peroxidation produced when mouse liver homogenate was exposed to the air at 37 degrees C, using 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA). The methanol extract and its fractions of Eriobotrya japonica leaves showed strong antioxidant activity. The antioxidant activity of EtOAc and n-BuOH soluble fractions were stronger than the others, and were further purified by repeated silica gel, MCl gel CHP-20P, and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography. Antioxidant chlorogenic acid, quercetin-3-sambubioside from n-BuOH fraction, and methyl chlorogenate, kaempferol- and quercetin-3-rhamnosides, together with the inactive ursolic acid and 2 alpha-hydroxyursolic acid from EtOAc fraction were isolated. Antioxidant flavonoids and chlorogenic acid also showed prominent inhibitory activity against free radical generation in dichlorofluorescein (DCF) method.
221 Gastrodiae Rhizoma Gastrodia Rhizome 천마 天麻 덩이줄기(식물의 땅속에 있는 줄기(땅속줄기) 끝이 양분을 저장하면서 크고 뚱뚱해진 것을 말한다.) 이 약은 천마 <i>Gastrodia elata</i> Blume (난초과 Orchidaceae)의 덩이줄기를 쪄서 건조한 것이다. N I Baek, S Y Choi, J K Park, S W Cho, E M Ahn, S G Jeon, B R Lee, J H Bahn, Y K Kim, I H Shon Isolation and identification of succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase inhibitory compound from the rhizome of Gastrodia elata Blume. Arch Pharm Res 22 2 219-24 1999.4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10230516 In our search for the anticonvulsant constituent of Gastrodia elata repeated column chromatographies guided by activity assay led to isolation of an active compound, which was identified as gastrodin on the basis of spectral data. Brain succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) was inactivated by preincubation with gastrodin in a time-dependent manner and the reaction was monitored by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopic methods. The inactivation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics with the second-rate order constant of 1.2 x 10(3) M-1min-1. The time course of the reaction was significantly affected by the coenzyme NAD+, which affected complete protection against the loss of the catalytic activity, whereas substrate succinic semialdehyde failed to prevent the inactivation of the enzyme. It is postulated that the gastrodin is able to elevate the neurotransmitter GABA levels in central nervous system by inhibitory action on one of the GABA degradative enzymes, SSADH.
22 Allii Bulbus Garlic 대산 大蒜 호산(葫蒜) 인경: 비늘줄기. 줄기의 밑 부분에 다수의 비늘조각이 줄기를 둘러싸고 지하 저장기관의 역할을 하는 부분 이 약은 마늘 <i>Allium sativum</i> Linné (백합과 Liliaceae)의 비늘줄기이다. J G Chung Effects of garlic components diallyl sulfide and diallyl disulfide on arylamine N-acetyltransferase activity in human bladder tumor cells. Drug Chem Toxicol 22 2 343-58 1999.5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10234471 Diallyl sulfide (DAS) and diallyl disulfide (DADS) were used to determine viability and inhibition of arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) activity in human bladder tumor cells. The NAT activity was measured by high performance liquid chromatography assaying for the amounts of N-acetyl-2-aminofluorene (2-AAF) and N-acetyl-p-aminobenzoic acid (N-Ac-PABA) and remaining 2-aminofluorene (2-AF) and p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). The viability, NAT activity and 2-AAF-DNA adduct formation in human bladder tumor cells was inhibited by DAS and DADS in a dose-dependent manner, i.e. the higher the concentration of DAS and DADS, the higher the inhibition of NAT activity and cell death. The data also indicated that DAS and DADS decrease the apparent values of Km and Vmax from human bladder tumor cells in both systems examined. This report is the first demonstration to show garlic components did affect human bladder tumor cell NAT activity.
433 Rauwolfia Radix 인도사목 印度蛇木 뿌리 이 약은 인도사목(印度蛇木) <i>Rauvolfia serpentina</i> Bentham (협죽도과 Apocynaceae)의 뿌리이다. H Warzecha, P Obitz, J Stöckigt Purification, partial amino acid sequence and structure of the product of raucaffricine-O-beta-D-glucosidase from plant cell cultures of Rauwolfia serpentina. Phytochemistry 50 7 1099-109 1999.4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10234858 Plant cell suspension cultures of Rauwolfia produce within 1 week approximately 250 nkat/l of raucaffricine-O-beta-D-glucosidase. A five step procedure using anion exchange chromatography, chromatography on hydroxylapatite, gel filtration and FPLC-chromatography on Mono Q and Mono P delivered in a yield of 0.9% approximately 1200-fold enriched glucosidase. A short protocol employing DEAE sepharose, TSK 55 S gel chromatography and purification on Mono Q gave a 5% recovery of glucosidase which was 340-fold enriched. SDS-PAGE showed a Mr for the enzyme of 61 kDa. The enzyme is not glycosylated. Structural investigation of the enzyme product, vomilenine, demonstrated that the alkaloid exists in aqueous solutions in an equilibrium of 21(R)- and 21(S)-vomilenine in a ratio of 3.4:1. Proteolysis of the pure enzyme with endoproteinase Lys C revealed six peptide fragments with 6-24 amino acids which were sequenced. The two largest fragments showed sequences, of which the motif Val-Thr-Glu-Asn-Gly is typical for beta-glucosidases. Sequence alignment of these fragments demonstrated high homologies to linamarase from Manihot esculenta (81% identity) or to beta-glucosidase from Prunus avium (79% identity). Raucaffricine-O-beta-D-glucosidase seems to be a new member of the family 1 of glycosyl hydrolases.
421 Puerariae Flos Pueraria Flower 갈화 葛花 갈조화(葛條花) 꽃봉오리 이 약은 칡 <i>Pueraria lobata</i> Ohwi (콩과 Leguminosae)의 꽃봉오리 또는 막 피기 시작한 꽃이다. J Kinjo, K Aoki, M Okawa, Y Shii, T Hirakawa, T Nohara, Y Nakajima, T Yamazaki, T Hosono, M Someya, Y Niiho, T Kurashige HPLC profile analysis of hepatoprotective oleanene-glucuronides in Puerariae Flos. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 47 5 708-10 1999.5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10361701 In order to confirm the constitution of hepatoprotective oleanene glucuronide (OG), HPLC profile analyses of the total OG fractions of both Puerariae Thomsonii Flos (the flowers of Pueraria thomsonii) and Puerariae Lobatae Flos (the flowers of P. lobata) were performed. No remarkable difference in the HPLC profiles with respect to OGs in the flowers was shown, in contrast to those of the roots. By repeated chromatography of the total OG fraction of Puerariae Thomsonii Flos, soyasaponin I (1), kaikasaponin III (2) and kakkasaponin I (3), which had been already isolated from Puerariae Lobatae Flos, were obtained. The hepatoprotective activity of 2 towards immunologically induced liver injury was significantly more effective than that of 1. This information supported previously obtained structure-hepatoprotective relationship data which was measured on another model. The structure-activity relationship information which suggested that the hydroxymethyl group of the galactosyl unit would enhance the hepatoprotective activity was also substantiated.
272 Inulae Heleni Radix 토목향 土木香 뿌리 이 약은 토목향 <i>Inula helenium</i> Linne (국화과 Compositae)의 뿌리이다. C L Cantrell, L Abate, F R Fronczek, S G Franzblau, L Quijano, N H Fischer Antimycobacterial eudesmanolides from Inula helenium and Rudbeckia subtomentosa. Planta Med 65 4 351-5 1999.5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10364842 In a bioassay guided search for antimycobacterial compounds from higher plants, the root extracts of Elecampane (Inula helenium L.; Asteraceae) and Sweet Coneflower (Rudbeckia subtomentosa Pursh.; Asteraceae) were chemically investigated for their active constituents. Chromatographic fractions of root extracts of l. helenium, which exhibited significant activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, provided the known eudesmanolides alantolactone, isoalantolactone, and 11 alpha H, 13-dihydroisoalantolactone. Peracid epoxidation of alantolactone and isoalantolactone provided 5 alpha-epoxyalantolactone and 4(15) alpha-epoxyisoalantolactone, respectively and oxidation of alantolactone with OsO4 gave 11,13-dihydroxyalantolactone. Active fractions from R subtomentosa contained the known alloalantolactone and 3-oxoalloalantolactone. The structures of the above compounds were established by spectroscopic methods including 1D and 2D NMR techniques as well as spectral comparison with previously reported data. The molecular structure of 5 alpha-epoxyalantolactone was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Eleven natural and semisynthetic eudesmanolides were tested in a radiorespirometric bioassay for activity against M. tuberculosis. 5 alpha-Epoxyalantolactone and encelin from Montanoa speciosa showed minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 8 and 16 micrograms ml-1, respectively. Alantolactone, isoalantolactone and its 4 alpha, 15-epoxide, 1,2-dehydro-3-epi-isotelekin and alloalantolactone gave MICs of 32 micrograms ml-1. All other compounds showed MIC values of 128 micrograms ml-1 or higher.
264 Humuli Strobilus Hops 호프 忽布 홉, 홀포(忽布) 구과: 열매가 성숙함에 따라 열매 둘레에 목질의 비늘조각이 벌어지는 과실 이 약은 홉 <i>Humulus lupulus</i> Linné (뽕나무과 Moraceae)의 잘 익은 구과(毬果)이다. S R Milligan, J C Kalita, A Heyerick, H Rong, L De Cooman, D De Keukeleire Identification of a potent phytoestrogen in hops (Humulus lupulus L.) and beer. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 84 6 2249-52 1999.6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10372741 The female flowers of the hop plant are used as a preservative and as a flavoring agent in beer. However, a recurring suggestion has been that hops have a powerful estrogenic activity and that beer may also be estrogenic. In this study, sensitive and specific in vitro bioassays for estrogens were used for an activity-guided fractionation of hops via selective solvent extraction and appropriate HPLC separation. We have identified a potent phytoestrogen in hops, 8-prenylnaringenin, which has an activity greater than other established plant estrogens. The estrogenic activity of this compound was reflected in its relative binding affinity to estrogen receptors from rat uteri. The presence of 8-prenylnaringenin in hops may provide an explanation for the accounts of menstrual disturbances in female hop workers. This phytoestrogen can also be detected in beer, but the levels are low and should not pose any cause for concern.
61 Astragali Radix Astragalus Root 황기 黃芪 뿌리 이 약은 황기 <i>Astragalus membranaceus</i> Bunge 또는 몽골황기 (蒙古黃芪) <i>Astragalus membranaceus</i> Bunge var. <i>mongholicus</i> Hsiao (콩과 Leguminosae)의 뿌리로서 그대로 또는 주피를 제거한 것이다. T Nakamura, A Hashimoto, H Nishi, Y Kokusenya [Investigation on the marker substances of crude drugs in formulations. I. Marker substances for the identification of astragali radix in kampo and drinkable preparations]. Yakugaku Zasshi 119 5 391-400 1999.5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10375999 There are few reports about marker substances for the identification of Astragali Radix in formulations. First, constituents analysis was performed by HPLC for the screening of a marker substance, using several lots of Astragali Radix and its fluid extracts. As a result of the analysis, one of the main components was clearly detected even in the fluid extracts, and thought to be a good marker substance. This component was identified to be calycosin (7,3'-dihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavone) by the structural analysis. Then, the identification methods of Astragali Radix and its fluid extracts in formulations were investigated with an Astragali Radix extract as a reference standard solution and calycosin as a marker substance. This method was applied to three different kinds of Kampo formulations and three different kinds of drinkable preparations. Consequently, calycosin was clearly detected by a HPLC-multi wavelength detector system, in all investigated formulations. Calycosin will be successfully used as a marker substance for the identification of Astragali Radix and its fluid extracts in formulations.
190 Eucommiae Folium 두충엽 杜仲葉 이 약은 두충 <i>Eucommia ulmoides</i> Oliver (두충과 Eucommiaceae)의 잎이다. Y Li, K Metori, K Koike, Q M Che, S Takahashi Improvement in the turnover rate of the stratum corneum in false aged model rats by the administration of geniposidic acid in Eucommia ulmoides Oliver Leaf. Biol Pharm Bull 22 6 582-5 1999.6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10408230 We earlier reported that collagen synthesis in false aged model rats was stimulated by the administration of a methanol extract from the leaves of Eucommia ulmoides OLIVER. When the methanol extract was fractionated to n-hexane, ethyl acetate, acetone and methanol fractions by silica gel chromatography, we discovered that geniposidic acid and aucubin, contained in the acetone fraction, were the active ingredients. In the current study, we set out to examine if active compounds found in the Eucommia ulmoides OLIVER leaf (EUOL) improved the low turnover rate in the stratum corneum of false aged model rats. The turnover rate in the stratum corneum in rats was measured as 50% dansyl chloride clearance day. In the first experiment, administration of a 2.4% water soluble methanol extract (WSME) of EUOL, along with an 11% protein diet, led to a 20% higher turnover rate in the stratum corneum (p<0.05, Mann-Whitney) than the control value. The WSME mainly contained iridoid mono-glycosides such as geniposidic acid. In the second experiment, treatment with geniposidic acid similarly caused a higher turnover rate in the stratum corneum, increasing turnover by 23% (p<0.05, Mann-Whitney) compared to the control value. In this paper we reveal that the WSME contains compounds effective against aging, and one of them is geniposidic acid.
375 Perillae Folium Perilla Leaf 자소엽 紫蘇葉 잎과 끝가지 이 약은 차즈기 <i>Perilla frutescens</i> Britton var. <i>acuta</i> Kudo 또는 주름소엽 <i>Perilla frutescens</i> Britton var. <i>crispa</i> Decaisne (꿀풀과 Labiatae)의 잎 및 끝가지이다. M Ito, M Toyoda, A Yuba, G Honda Genetic analysis of nothoapiol formation in Perilla frutescens. Biol Pharm Bull 22 6 598-601 1999.6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10408233 A new essential oil chemotype of Perilla frutescens was found in that plant variety from Che-ju island in Korea. The steam-distilled oil of this plant was examined by GC-MS and 32 compounds were identified. Its principal constituents were beta-caryophyllene, dillapiol and nothoapiol. Also, crossing experiments were performed between the new chemotype and known chemotypes to clarify the genetic control of the production of nothoapiol. The gene Na, which promotes conversion from dillapiol to nothoapiol, was suggested, and was considered to be closely linked with the allele D.
400 Platycodonis Radix Platycodon Root 길경 桔梗 길경근(桔梗根) 뿌리 이 약은 도라지 <i>Platycodon grandiflorum</i> A. De Candolle (초롱꽃과 Campanulaceae)의 뿌리로서 그대로 또는 주피를 제거한 것이다. T Saeki, K Koike, T Nikaido A comparative study on commercial, botanical gardens and wild samples of the roots of Platycodon grandiflorum by HPLC analysis. Planta Med 65 5 428-31 1999.6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10418329 Thirteen commercial samples of Platycodi radix of Platycodon grandiflorum, were collected from China (5 kinds), Korea (5 kinds), and Japan (3 kinds) along with 8 kinds of botanically cultivated Platycodi radix, 3 kinds of wild Platycodi radix collected from different places in Japan. HPLC analysis showed that the commercial botanical and wild samples of P. radix all contained platycodins and a total of twelve peaks were identified by co-HPLC anlaysis with authentic samples isolated earlier from this laboratory. The peak purity and identify were checked with a PDA. The contents of the major saponins, platycodins A, C, D were determined and the peak-area ratios of platycodins A, C, D were shown to be correlated with their sources of origin. The commercial samples from China and Korea each gave a distinct HPLC pattern with peak-area ratio of platycodins A, C, D at 1:2:3 and 2:4:1, respectively. HPLC analysis showed that those on the Japanese market were either imported from China or Korea based upon their HPLC patterns while the Japanese botanical garden or wild type samples gave a higher total saponin content with the peak-area ratio of platycodins A, C, D at 1:2:1.
420 Psoraleae Semen 보골지 補骨脂 파고지(破故紙) 이 약은 보골지(補骨脂) <i>Psoralea corylifolia</i> Linné (콩과 Leguminosae)의 씨이다. D Wang, G Yang, H Engelhardt, H Zhang Micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography of psoralen and isopsoralen. Electrophoresis 20 9 1895-9 1999.7 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10445332 In this paper, a micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC) method to analyze the active components of psoralen and isopsoralen in the Chinese herb Psoralea corylifolia L. was developed. It was found that the optimum separation condition for the analysis of these compounds was a buffer solution which contained phosphate, borate and sodium dodecyl sulfate (pH 9.2). Through optimization of the experimental condition, the two isomers could be baseline-separated and their contents in the methanol-extracted sample were quantitatively analyzed.
148 Crocus Saffron 번홍화 番紅花 사프란 암술머리 이 약은 사프란 <i>Crocus sativus</i> Linné (붓꽃과 Iridaceae)의 암술머리이다. N Li, G Lin, Y W Kwan, Z D Min Simultaneous quantification of five major biologically active ingredients of saffron by high-performance liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr A 849 2 349-55 1999.7.23 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10457433 A simple, sensitive and specific high-performance liquid chromatography-UV (HPLC-UV) method has been developed for the first time to simultaneously quantify the five major biologically active ingredients of saffron, namely crocin 1, crocin 2, crocin 3, crocin 4 and crocetin. Calibration curves were derived by spiking authentic compounds and internal standard, 13-cis-retinoic acid, into herbal samples prior to extraction. Extraction was conducted simply by stirring dried herb (20 mg) with 80% aqueous methanol (5 ml) at ambient temperature in the dark for 2 h. The HPLC assay was performed on a reversed-phase C18 column with linear gradient elution using methanol and 1% aqueous acetic acid. Calibrations were linear (r2 = 0.999) for all five analytes, with overall intra- and inter-day RSDs of less than 11%. The assay was successfully applied to the determination of four crocins and crocetin in three saffron samples and two Zhizi, another crocin-containing herb. Results indicate that the developed HPLC assay can be readily utilized as a quality control method for crocin-containing medicinal herbs.
148 Crocus Saffron 번홍화 番紅花 사프란 암술머리 이 약은 사프란 <i>Crocus sativus</i> Linné (붓꽃과 Iridaceae)의 암술머리이다. J Escribano, A Piqueras, J Medina, A Rubio, M Alvarez-Ortí, J A Fernández Production of a cytotoxic proteoglycan using callus culture of saffron corms (Crocus sativus L.). J Biotechnol 73 1 53-9 1999.7.30 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10483114 Saffron corms have been demonstrated to contain a proteoglycan that inhibits growth of human tumor cells. In this study, we show strong evidence indicating that callus cultures of saffron corm also synthesize such glycoconjugate. This compound is cytotoxic against human cervical epithelioid carcinoma cells (IC50 = 7 mg ml-1), and consists of approximately 90% carbohydrate and 10% protein. In order to optimize the glycoconjugate purification to complete functional and therapeutic studies, we have designed an improved method consisting of anion-exchange chromatography and reversed-phase HPLC, which can be easily scaled-up.
51 Artemisiae Annuae Herba 청호 靑蒿 지상부(식물의 잎, 줄기, 가지 등의 지상부분) 이 약은 개똥쑥 <i>Artemisia annua</i> Linné 또는 개사철쑥 <i>Artemisia apiacea</i> Hance (국화과 Compositae)의 지상부이다. L Hua, S P Matsuda The molecular cloning of 8-epicedrol synthase from Artemisia annua. Arch Biochem Biophys 369 2 208-12 1999.9.15 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10486139 A cDNA library was prepared from Artemisia annua, and a 129-bp fragment was amplified from this library using primers corresponding to sequences conserved in known dicot sesquiterpene synthases. A 1641-bp open reading frame that encoded a predicted protein 35-38% identical to dicot sesquiterpene synthases was cloned using this fragment as a hybridization probe. The gene product expressed in Escherichia coli cyclized farnesyl diphosphate to a 96:4 mixture of (-)8-epicedrol and cedrol. Neither cedrol epimer was detected by GC-MS in an A. annua extract prepared from the same specimen as the cDNA.
51 Artemisiae Annuae Herba 청호 靑蒿 지상부(식물의 잎, 줄기, 가지 등의 지상부분) 이 약은 개똥쑥 <i>Artemisia annua</i> Linné 또는 개사철쑥 <i>Artemisia apiacea</i> Hance (국화과 Compositae)의 지상부이다. P Mercke, J Crock, R Croteau, P E Brodelius Cloning, expression, and characterization of epi-cedrol synthase, a sesquiterpene cyclase from Artemisia annua L. Arch Biochem Biophys 369 2 213-22 1999.9.15 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10486140 Sesquiterpene cyclases (synthases) catalyze the conversion of the isoprenoid intermediate farnesyl diphosphate to various sesquiterpene structural types. In plants, many sesquiterpenes are produced as defensive chemicals (phytoalexins) or mediators of chemical communication (i.e., pollinator attractants). A number of sesquiterpene synthases are present in Artemisia annua L. (annual wormwood). We have isolated a cDNA clone encoding one of these, epi-cedrol synthase. This clone contains a 1641-bp open reading frame coding for 547 amino acids (63.5 kDa), a 38-bp 5'-untranslated end, and a 272-bp 3'-untranslated sequence. The deduced amino acid sequence was 32 to 43% identical with the sequences of other known sesquiterpene cyclases from angiosperms. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the recombinant enzyme catalyzed the formation of both olefinic (3%) and oxygenated (97%) sesquiterpenes from farnesyl diphosphate. GC-MS analysis identified the olefins as alpha-cedrene (57% of the olefins), beta-cedrene (13%), (E)-beta-farnesene (5%), alpha-acoradiene (1%), (E)-alpha-bisabolene (8%), and three unknown olefins (16%) and the oxygenated sesquiterpenes (97% of total sesquiterpene generated, exclusive of farnesol and nerolidol) as cedrol (4%) and epi-cedrol (96%). epi-Cedrol synthase was not active with geranylgeranyl diphosphate as substrate, whereas geranyl diphosphate was converted to monoterpenes by the recombinant enzyme at a rate of about 15% of that observed with farnesyl diphosphate as substrate. The monoterpene olefin products are limonene (45%), terpinolene (42%), gamma-terpinene (8%), myrcene (5%), and alpha-terpinene (2%); a small amount of the monoterpene alcohol terpinen-4-ol is also produced. The pH optimum for the recombinant enzyme is 8.5-9.0 (with farnesyl diphosphate as substrate) and the K(m) values for farnesyl diphosphate are 0.4 and 1.3 microM at pH 7. 0 and 9.0, respectively. The K(m) for Mg(2+) is 80 microM at pH 7.0 and 9.0.
299 Lithospermi Radix Lithospermum Root 자근 紫根 뿌리 이 약은 지치 <i>Lithospermum erythrorhizon</i> Siebold et Zuccarini, 신강자초 (新疆紫草) <i>Arnebia euchroma</i> Johnst. 또는 내몽자초 (內蒙紫草) <i>Arnebia guttata</i> Bunge (지치과 Boraginaceae)의 뿌리이다. M H Cho, Y S Paik, T R Hahn Propionylshikonin from the roots of Lithospermum erythrorhizon. Arch Pharm Res 22 4 414-6 1999.8 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10489884 A shikonin derivative was isolated from the roots of Lithospermum erythrorhizon with silica gel column chromatography and preparative TLC. The structure of the isolated pigment was identified as propionylshikonin by NMR and mass spectrometric analysis. The isolation of propionylshiknin was for the first time in the nature.
422 Puerariae Radix Pueraria Root 갈근 葛根 뿌리 이 약은 칡 <i>Pueraria lobata</i> Ohwi (콩과 Leguminosae)의 뿌리로서 그대로 또는 주피를 제거한 것이다. X Cao, Y Tian, T Zhang, X Li, Y Ito Separation and purification of isoflavones from Pueraria lobata by high-speed counter-current chromatography. J Chromatogr A 855 2 709-13 1999.9.10 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10519106 High-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) was applied to the semipreparative separation and purification of puerarin and related isoflavones from a crude extract of Pueraria lobata. Analytical HSCCC was used for the preliminary selection of a suitable solvent system composed of ethyl acetate-n-butanol-water (2:1:3, v/v/v). Using the above solvent system the preparative HSCCC was successfully performed yielding six relatively pure isoflavones including puerarin from 80 mg of the crude extract in one-step separation.
439 Rhei Radix et Rhizoma Rhubarb 대황 大黃 뿌리, 뿌리줄기(땅속으로 뻗어있는 뿌리모양의 줄기로서 줄기의 마디에서 잔뿌리를 낸다.) 이 약은 장엽대황 (掌葉大黃) <i>Rheum palmatum</i> Linné, 탕구트대황 <i>Rheum tanguticum</i> Maximowicz ex Balf. 또는 약용대황 (藥用大黃) <i>Rheum officinale</i> Baillon (여뀌과 Polygonaceae)의 뿌리 및 뿌리줄기로서 주피를 제거한 것이다. C L Liu, P L Zhu, M C Liu Computer-aided development of a high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of hydroxyanthraquinone derivatives in Chinese herb medicine rhubarb. J Chromatogr A 857 1-2 167-74 1999.10.01 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10536835 With computer simulation predicting separation in reversed-phase gradient elution, a method to separate and determine five hydroxyanthraquinone derivatives having a wide range of polarity in extract of Chinese herbal medicine rhubarb has been developed. The software DryLab was used to model the retention behavior of the compounds as a function of gradient conditions, based on data from two scouting gradient runs. Under the optimized conditions, i.e. column, Zorbax RX-C18, 5 microm, 15x0.46 cm; solvent A, 36 mM triethylamine phosphate (TEAP), pH=2.5; solvent B, ACN; gradient, 36/36/80/80% B at 0/5.5/20.5/25.5 min; flow-rate, 1.00 ml/min; temperature, ambient, the method was successfully applied to monitor the quality of rhubarb from different sources. The effect of sample preparation procedures on extraction efficiency was also examined.
308 Lycii Fructus Lycium Fruit 구기자 枸杞子 열매 이 약은 구기자나무 <i>Lycium chinense</i> Miller 또는 영하구기(寧夏枸杞) <i>Lycium barbarum</i> Linné (가지과 Solanaceae)의 열매이다. Y G Shin, K H Cho, J M Kim, M K Park, J H Park Determination of betaine in Lycium chinense fruits by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A 857 1-2 331-5 1999.10.01 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10536853 A rapid and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometric method has been developed for the determination of betaine in Lycium chinense fruits. Betaine was analyzed on a system consisting of a NH2 stationary phase and a mobile phase of water-acetonitrile (25:75) by isocratic elution for 40 min. Betaine was identified and quantitated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring of the protonated ion [Betaine+H]+ and clustered ions [nBetaines+H]+. The limit of detection for betaine by this method was ca. 0.2 ng/ml and the relative standard deviations of the assay (intra- and inter-day) were less than 8.1%.
439 Rhei Radix et Rhizoma Rhubarb 대황 大黃 뿌리, 뿌리줄기(땅속으로 뻗어있는 뿌리모양의 줄기로서 줄기의 마디에서 잔뿌리를 낸다.) 이 약은 장엽대황 (掌葉大黃) <i>Rheum palmatum</i> Linné, 탕구트대황 <i>Rheum tanguticum</i> Maximowicz ex Balf. 또는 약용대황 (藥用大黃) <i>Rheum officinale</i> Baillon (여뀌과 Polygonaceae)의 뿌리 및 뿌리줄기로서 주피를 제거한 것이다. F Yang, T Zhang, G Tian, H Cao, Q Liu, Y Ito Preparative isolation and purification of hydroxyanthraquinones from Rheum officinale Baill by high-speed counter-current chromatography using pH-modulated stepwise elution. J Chromatogr A 858 1 103-7 1999.10.08 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10544895 Analytical and preparative high-speed counter-current chromatography was successfully used for the isolation and purification of hydroxyanthraquinones from Rheum officinale Baill (Dahuang) using pH-modulated stepwise elution. Four major components including chrysophanol, emodin, physcion and aloe-emodin were isolated each at over 98% purity.
346 Mume Fructus Mume Fruit 오매 烏梅 열매 이 약은 매실나무 <i>Prunus mume</i> Siebold et Zuccarini (장미과 Rosaceae)의 덜 익은 열매로서 연기를 쪼인 것이다. Y Chuda, H Ono, M Ohnishi-Kameyama, K Matsumoto, T Nagata, Y Kikuchi Mumefural, citric acid derivative improving blood fluidity from fruit-juice concentrate of Japanese apricot (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc). J Agric Food Chem 47 3 828-31 1999.3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10552374 The effects of food components on blood fluidity were studied by in vitro assay using a dedicated microchannel instrument for model capillaries. We found that the fruit-juice concentrate of the Japanese apricot (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc), a traditional Japanese food, markedly improved the fluidity of human blood. Using HPLC, we isolated the active compounds and characterized them using UV, MS, IR, and NMR. They included a novel compound, 1-[5-(2-formylfuryl)methyl] dihydrogen 2-hydroxypropane-1,2, 3-tricarboxylate (mumefural), and a related compound, 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural (HMF). Mumefural markedly improved blood fluidity in all subjects, while HMF worked differently in different individuals. The flow rate of blood spiked with mumefural or HMF was compared to that of the two predominant organic acids in the fruit. Citric acid, malic acid, and furfuryl alcohol also improved fluidity in all subjects. The activity of P. mume is derived from not only artifacts produced during thermal processing, such as mumefural, but also from endogenous organic acids.
22 Allii Bulbus Garlic 대산 大蒜 호산(葫蒜) 인경: 비늘줄기. 줄기의 밑 부분에 다수의 비늘조각이 줄기를 둘러싸고 지하 저장기관의 역할을 하는 부분 이 약은 마늘 <i>Allium sativum</i> Linné (백합과 Liliaceae)의 비늘줄기이다. R Zamora, M Alaiz, F J Hidalgo Determination of epsilon-N-pyrrolylnorleucine in fresh food products. J Agric Food Chem 47 5 1942-7 1999.5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10552475 epsilon-N-Pyrrolylnorleucine was determined in different fresh food products to study its presence as a normal component of food proteins. Twenty-two different products were screened: cod, cuttlefish, salmon, sardine, trout, beef, chicken, pork, broad bean, broccoli, chickpea, garlic, green pea, lentil, mushroom, soybean, spinach, sunflower, almond, hazelnut, peanut, and walnut. Foods were homogenized, their proteins were precipitated with trichloroacetic acid and hydrolyzed with 2 N NaOH for 20 h, and the epsilon-N-pyrrolylnorleucine content was determined by capillary electrophoresis. The epsilon-N-pyrrolylnorleucine, which was identified by HPLC/MS in sardine muscle hydrolysate, ranged in the 22 foods analyzed from 0.24 to 6.36 micromol/g. This concentration was correlated with the protein content of the food (r = 0.687, p = 0.00041). In addition, the epsilon-N-pyrrolylnorleucine/lysine ratio was found to be a function of the lipid, iron, and protein contents of the food (r = 0.881, p < 0.0001) and was directly correlated with lipid and iron contents and inversely correlated with the protein content. These results are in agreement with the oxidative stress origin proposed for epsilon-N-pyrrolylnorleucine and suggest that the epsilon-N-pyrrolylnorleucine/lysine ratio is a characteristic of each food. In addition, epsilon-N-pyrrolylnorleucine seemed to be a normal component of many fresh food products, in which it may be acting as a natural antioxidant.
164 Dendrobii Caulis 석곡 石斛 지상부(식물의 잎, 줄기, 가지 등의 지상부분) 이 약은 금채석곡(金釵石斛) <i>Dendrobium nobile</i> Lindley, 환초석곡(環草石斛) <i>Dendrobium loddigesii</i> Rolfe., 마편석곡(馬鞭石斛) <i>Dendrobium fimbriatum</i> Hook. var. <i>oculatum</i> Hook., 황초석곡(黃草石斛) <i>Dendrobium chrysanthum</i> Wall. ex Lindley 또는 철피석곡(鐵皮石斛) <i>Dendrobium candidum</i> Wall. ex Lindley (난초과 Orchidaceae)의 줄기이다. M Miyazawa, H Shimamura, S Nakamura, W Sugiura, H Kosaka, H Kameoka Moscatilin from Dendrobium nobile, a naturally occurring bibenzyl compound with potential antimutagenic activity. J Agric Food Chem 47 5 2163-7 1999.5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10552513 A bibenzyl compound that possesses antimutagenic activity was isolated from the storage stem of Dendrobium nobile. The isolated compound suppressed the expression of the umu gene following the induction of SOS response in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 that have been treated with various mutagens. The suppressive compound was mainly localized in the n-hexane extract fraction of the processed D. nobile. This n-hexane fraction was further fractionated by silica gel column chromatography, which resulted in the purification and subsequent identification of the suppressive compound. EI-MS and (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy were then used to delineate the structure of the compound that confers the observed antimutagenic activity. Comparison of the obtained spectrum with that found in the literature indicated that moscatilin is the secondary suppressive compound. When using 2-(2-furyl)-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl)acrylamide (furylfuramide) as the mutagen, moscatilin suppressed 85% of the umu gene expression compared to the controls at <0.73 micromol/mL, with an ID(50) value of 0.41 micromol/mL. Additionally, moscatilin was tested for its ability to suppress the mutagenic activity of other well-known mutagens such as 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO), N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), UV irradiation, 3-amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido[4,3b]indole (Trp-P-1), benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), and aflatoxin B(1) (AFB(1)). With all of the aforementioned chemicals or treatments, moscatilin showed a dramatic reduction in their mutagenic potential. Interestingly, moscatilin almost completely suppressed (97%) the AFB(1)-induced SOS response at concentrations <0.73 micromol/mL, with an ID(50) of 0.08 micromol/mL. Finally, the antimutagenic activities of moscatilin against furylfuramide and Trp-P-1 were assayed by the Ames test using the S. typhimurium TA100 strain. The results those experiments indicated that moscatilin demonstrated a dramatic suppression of the mutagenicity of only Trp-P-1 but not furylfuramide.
171 Dioscoreae Rhizoma Dioscorea Rhizome 산약 山藥 뿌리줄기(땅속으로 뻗어있는 뿌리모양의 줄기로서 줄기의 마디에서 잔뿌리를 낸다.) 이 약은 마 <i>Dioscorea batatas</i> Decaisne 또는 참마 <i>Dioscorea japonica</i> Thunberg (마과 Dioscoreaceae)의 주피를 제거한 뿌리줄기 (담근체)로서 그대로 또는 쪄서 말린 것이다. W C Hou, J S Liu, H J Chen, T E Chen, C F Chang, Y H Lin Dioscorin, the major tuber storage protein of yam (Dioscorea batatas decne) with carbonic anhydrase and trypsin inhibitor activities. J Agric Food Chem 47 5 2168-72 1999.5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10552514 Dioscorin, the tuber storage protein of yam (Dioscorea batatas Decne), was purified successively by ammonium sulfate fractionation, DE-52 ion exchange chromatography, and Sephadex G-75 column. Two protein bands (82 and 28 kDa) were found under nonreducing conditions after SDS-PAGE; but only one band (32 kDa) was detected under reducing conditions. The first 21 amino acids in the N-terminal region of the 28 kDa form were VEDEFSYIEGNPNGPENWGNL, which was highly homologous to deductive sequence of dioscorin from cDNA of another yam species (Dioscoreacayenensis Lam) reported by Conlan et al. (Plant Mol. Biol. 1995, 28, 369-380). Hewett-Emmett and Tashian (Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 1996, 5, 50 -77) mentioned that, according to DNA alignments, dioscorin from yam (D. cayenensis) was alpha-carbonic anhydrase (alpha-CA) related. In this report, we found that the purified dioscorin showed both CA dehydration activity using sodium bicarbonate as a substrate and CA activity staining after SDS-PAGE. A polyclonal antibody, which was raised against trypsin inhibitor (TI), a storage protein of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam var. Tainong 57), cross-reacted with dioscorin, which also showed TI activity determined by both activity staining after SDS-PAGE and trypsin inhibition determination.
152 Curcumae Longae Rhizoma Curcuma Longa Rhizome 강황 薑黃 뿌리줄기 (땅속으로 뻗어있는 뿌리모양의 줄기로서 줄기의 마디에서 잔뿌리를 낸다.) 이 약은 강황(薑黃) <i>Curcuma longa</i> Linné (생강과 Zingiberaceae)의 뿌리줄기로서 속이 익을 때까지 삶거나 쪄서 말린 것이다. P S Negi, G K Jayaprakasha, L Jagan Mohan Rao, K K Sakariah Antibacterial activity of turmeric oil: a byproduct from curcumin manufacture. J Agric Food Chem 47 10 4297-300 1999.10 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10552805 Curcumin, the yellow color pigment of turmeric, is produced industrially from turmeric oleoresin. The mother liquor after isolation of curcumin from oleoresin contains approximately 40% oil. The oil was extracted from the mother liquor using hexane at 60 degrees C, and the hexane extract was separated into three fractions using silica gel column chromatography. These fractions were tested for antibacterial activity by pour plate method against Bacillus cereus, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Fraction II eluted with 5% ethyl acetate in hexane was found to be most active fraction. The turmeric oil, fraction I, and fraction II were analyzed by GC and GC-MS. ar-Turmerone, turmerone, and curlone were found to be the major compounds present in these fractions along with other oxygenated compounds.
99 Capsici Fructus Capsicum 고추 苦椒 고초(苦椒) 열매 이 약은 고추 <i>Capsicum annuum</i> Linné 또는 그 변종(가지과 Solanaceae)의 열매이다. K Sato, S S Sasaki, Y Goda, T Yamada, O Nunomura, K Ishikawa, T Maitani Direct connection of supercritical fluid extraction and supercritical fluid chromatography as a rapid quantitative method for capsaicinoids in placentas of Capsicum. J Agric Food Chem 47 11 4665-8 1999.11 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10552868 The fruits of Capsicum annuum L. are used worldwide as chili peppers and in folk medicines. The pungent components of C. annuum, which are irritants, are called capsaicinoids (CAPS), and the most abundant components are capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, and nordihydrocapsaicin. To analyze CAPS in the placentas of Capsicum fruits rapidly and safely, we used a directly connected system of supercritical fluid extraction and supercritical fluid chromatography (SFE/SFC). As a column for SFE/SFC, only a silica-type column was found to be suitable. The CAPS contents in placentas of C. annuum cv. Jalapeno (hot type) and C. annuum cv. Shishitoh (less-hot type) determined by the SFE/SFC method agreed well with those in the range of 0-13.81 mg g(-1) fr. wt determined by the usual extraction-HPLC method. The SFE/SFC method has the advantages of no need for pretreatment and no (or minimal) need for organic solvents. We conclude that this method is useful as a rapid (20 min) and safe screening test for the pungency of various Capsicum fruits.
51 Artemisiae Annuae Herba 청호 靑蒿 지상부(식물의 잎, 줄기, 가지 등의 지상부분) 이 약은 개똥쑥 <i>Artemisia annua</i> Linné 또는 개사철쑥 <i>Artemisia apiacea</i> Hance (국화과 Compositae)의 지상부이다. J W Jia, J Crock, S Lu, R Croteau, X Y Chen (3R)-Linalool synthase from Artemisia annua L.: cDNA isolation, characterization, and wound induction. Arch Biochem Biophys 372 1 143-9 1999.12.01 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10562427 Artemisia annua is an annual herb used in traditional Chinese medicine. A cDNA library was constructed from leaves of A. annua seedlings and target sequences were amplified by PCR using degenerate primers derived from a consensus sequence of angiosperm terpene synthases. Two clones, QH1 and QH5, with high sequence similarity to plant monoterpene synthases were ultimately obtained and expressed in Escherichia coli. These cDNAs encode peptides of 567 aa (65.7 kDa) and 583 aa (67.4 kDa), respectively, and display 88% identity with each other and 42% identity with Mentha spicata limonene synthase. The two recombinant enzymes yielded no detectable activity with isopentenyl diphosphate, dimethylallyl diphosphate, chrysanthemyl diphosphate, farnesyl diphosphate, (+)-copalyl diphosphate, or geranylgeranyl diphosphate, but were active with geranyl diphosphate in yielding (3R)-linalool as the sole product in the presence of divalent metal cation cofactors. QH1-linalool synthase displays a K(m) value of 64 microM for geranyl diphosphate, which is considerably higher than other known monoterpene synthases, and a K(m) value of 4.6 mM for Mg(+2). Transcripts of QH1 and QH5 could be detected by RT-PCR in the leaves and inflorescence of A. annua, but not in the stem stele or roots; transcripts of QH5 could also be detected in stem epidermis. Linalool could not be detected by GC-MS in the essential oil of A. annua, nor in acid or base hydrolysates of aqueous extracts of leaves. RT-PCR demonstrated a wound-inducible increase in QH1 and QH5 transcript abundance in both leaves and stems over a 3-day time course.
36 Anemarrhenae Rhizoma Anemarrhena Rhizome 지모 知母 뿌리줄기(땅속으로 뻗어있는 뿌리모양의 줄기로서 줄기의 마디에서 잔뿌리를 낸다.) 이 약은 지모 <i>Anemarrhena asphodeloides</i> Bunge (백합과 Liliaceae)의 뿌리줄기이다. Y Iida, K B Oh, M Saito, H Matsuoka, H Kurata, M Natsume, H Abe Detection of antifungal activity in Anemarrhena asphodeloides by sensitive BCT method and isolation of its active compound. J Agric Food Chem 47 2 584-7 1999.2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10563936 Antifungal activity was detected from Anemarrhena asphodeloides by the Bio-Cell Tracer (BCT) method. An active fraction was separated by silica gel column chromatography and reverse-phase HPLC. The molecular weight was determined by GC-MS, and the molecular structure was analyzed by IR, (1)H NMR, and (13)C NMR. The isolated compound was found to be identical to nyasol, (Z)-1, 3-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1,4-pentadiene, which formerly appeared in the literature without any remark on the antifungal activity. This compound showed antimicrobial activity against 38 strains of fungi and five strains of bacteria. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ranged from 12.5 to 200 microg mL(-)(1), except for two strains based on the broth dilution method.
213 Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus Fritillaria Thunbergii Bulb 절패모 浙貝母 비늘줄기(줄기의 밑 부분에 다수의 비늘조각이 줄기를 둘러싸고 지하 저장기관의 역할을 하는 부분) 이 약은 중국패모 <i>Fritillaria thunbergii</i> Miquel (백합과 Liliaceae)의 비늘줄기이다. 이 약은 크고 심아 (芯芽)를 제거한 것을 대패 (大貝)라 부르고, 작고 심아 (芯芽)를 제거하지 않은 것을 주패 (珠貝)라 부르며, 심아 (芯芽)를 제거하고 두텁게 쪼갠 것을 절패편 (浙貝片)이라 부른다. S L Li, S W Chan, P Li, G Lin, G H Zhou, Y J Ren, F C Chiu Pre-column derivatization and gas chromatographic determination of alkaloids in bulbs of Fritillaria. J Chromatogr A 859 2 183-92 1999.10.29 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10574211 A method of precolumn derivatization GC with FID detection was developed for a simultaneous analysis of five major steroidal alkaloids of Fritillaria species, namely ebeiedine, ebeiedinone, verticine, verticinone and imperialine. Derivatization was carried out by trimethylsilylation of the hydroxyl-containing Fritillaria alkaloids to the corresponding trimethylsilylates with trimethylsilylimidazole. Reaction conditions were optimised and the alkaloids derivatives were characterised by on-line GC-MS. The validated GC method demonstrated a good linearity at the sampling ranges used. This analytical method is simple, convenient and reproducible. The developed assay was successfully applied to the determination of the major pharmacologically active alkaloids in three commonly used antitussive Fritillaria species: F. cirrhosa, F. thunbergii and F. pallidiflora.
212 Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus Fritillaria Bulb 천패모 川貝母 비늘줄기(줄기의 밑 부분에 다수의 비늘조각이 줄기를 둘러싸고 지하 저장기관의 역할을 하는 부분) 이 약은 천패모 (川貝母) <i>Fritillaria cirrhosa</i> D. Don, 암자패모 (暗紫貝母) <i>Fritillaria unibracteata</i> Hsiao et K. C. Hsia, 감숙패모 (甘肅貝母) <i>Fritillaria prezewalskii</i> Maximowicz 또는 사사패모 (梭砂貝母) <i>Fritillaria delavayi</i> Franchet (백합과 Liliaceae)의 비늘줄기이다. 성상에 따라 송패 (松貝) 및 청패 (靑貝)로 구분한다. S L Li, S W Chan, P Li, G Lin, G H Zhou, Y J Ren, F C Chiu Pre-column derivatization and gas chromatographic determination of alkaloids in bulbs of Fritillaria. J Chromatogr A 859 2 183-92 1999.10.29 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10574211 A method of precolumn derivatization GC with FID detection was developed for a simultaneous analysis of five major steroidal alkaloids of Fritillaria species, namely ebeiedine, ebeiedinone, verticine, verticinone and imperialine. Derivatization was carried out by trimethylsilylation of the hydroxyl-containing Fritillaria alkaloids to the corresponding trimethylsilylates with trimethylsilylimidazole. Reaction conditions were optimised and the alkaloids derivatives were characterised by on-line GC-MS. The validated GC method demonstrated a good linearity at the sampling ranges used. This analytical method is simple, convenient and reproducible. The developed assay was successfully applied to the determination of the major pharmacologically active alkaloids in three commonly used antitussive Fritillaria species: F. cirrhosa, F. thunbergii and F. pallidiflora.
229 Ginkgo Folium Ginkgo Leaf 은행엽 銀杏葉 이 약은 은행나무 <i>Ginkgo biloba</i> Linné (은행나무과 Ginkgoaceae)의 잎이다. J P Balz, D Courtois, J Drieu, K Drieu, J P Reynoird, C Sohier, B P Teng, A Touché, V Pétiard Production of ginkgolides and bilobalide by Ginkgo biloba plants and tissue cultures. Planta Med 65 7 620-6 1999.10 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10575377 The accumulation of the terpenes ginkgolides and bilobalide in Ginkgo biloba was reported in plants as well as in plant cell cultures. Several hundred plants cultivated under controlled conditions in the field have been analyzed for their terpene production over many years. Cross-pollination experiments were performed with mature trees and the terpene content of the progeny was analyzed. The age of the tree is the main factor influencing the terpene content of the leaves as the level always decreases dramatically between young and old trees. 80 cell culture strains have been established and ginkgolides analyzed by GC/MS. These cell cultures reveal very low amounts of terpenes (1 microgram g-1 D.W. or less). On the contrary, isolated in vitro root cultures accumulate terpenes at the same concentration as the young plant leaves (4 mg g-1 D.W.). Attempts to obtain rapid growing roots or even hairy-roots did not succeed but the possibility to transform Ginkgo cell strains has been demonstrated.
229 Ginkgo Folium Ginkgo Leaf 은행엽 銀杏葉 이 약은 은행나무 <i>Ginkgo biloba</i> Linné (은행나무과 Ginkgoaceae)의 잎이다. P Mauri, B Migliazza, P Pietta Liquid chromatography/electrospray mass spectrometry of bioactive terpenoids in Ginkgo biloba L. J Mass Spectrom 34 12 1361-7 1999.12 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10587633 Standardized extracts of Ginkgo biloba leaves are mainly used in the treatment of peripheral and celebral circulation disorders, and also as a remedy against asthma, coughs, bladder inflammation, blenorrhagia and alcohol abuse. The leaf extracts contain biflavones, flavonol glycosides and terpene lactones. This paper reports a method based on liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray mass spectrometry for the analysis of terpenoids in G. biloba extracts. This method allows the rapid isocratic separation of underivatized ginkgolides (GA, GB, GC and GJ) and bilobalide at very low levels (10 pg on the column) and their quantitative detection by external standardization with relative standard deviations of 3 and 5% for intra- and inter-day analyses, respectively.
22 Allii Bulbus Garlic 대산 大蒜 호산(葫蒜) 인경: 비늘줄기. 줄기의 밑 부분에 다수의 비늘조각이 줄기를 둘러싸고 지하 저장기관의 역할을 하는 부분 이 약은 마늘 <i>Allium sativum</i> Linné (백합과 Liliaceae)의 비늘줄기이다. R Kubec, M Svobodová, J Velísek Gas chromatographic determination of S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides. J Chromatogr A 862 1 85-94 1999.11.05 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10588342 A new GC method for determination of S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides, important secondary metabolites occurring in many plant genera, has been developed. The method is based on isolation of the amino acid fraction by ion-exchange chromatography followed by derivatization with ethyl chloroformate at ambient temperature and reduction of derivatized S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides by sodium iodide. The main advantages of the new method are its high sensitivity, excellent resolution capability, accuracy and reliability, as well as the possibility to identify unknown compounds by means of GC-MS. The content of alliin and other S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides was determined in nine different samples of garlic (Allium sativum L.) originating from the Czech Republic, France, and China. The total content of S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxide pool ranged between 0.53 and 1.3% fresh weight, with S-allylcysteine sulfoxide (alliin) being predominant. A novel S-alkylcysteine derivative, S-ethylcysteine sulfoxide (ethiin), not previously reported to occur in Allium species, was found in some of the samples examined.
243 Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Licorice 감초 甘草 뿌리, 뿌리줄기(땅속으로 뻗어있는 뿌리모양의 줄기로서 줄기의 마디에서 잔뿌리를 낸다.) 이 약은 감초 <i>Glycyrrhiza uralensis</i> Fischer, 광과감초 (光果甘草) <i>Glycyrrhiza glabra</i> Linné 또는 창과감초 (脹果甘草) <i>Glycyrrhiza inflata</i> Batal. (콩과 Leguminosae)의 뿌리 및 뿌리줄기로서 그대로 또는 주피를 제거한 것이다. G Li, H Zhang, Y Fan, L Zhao, Z Hu Migration behavior and separation of active components in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch and its commercial extract by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. J Chromatogr A 863 1 105-14 1999.11.19 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10591468 A micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MECC) method for the separation and determination of five components, glycyrrhizic acid (GA), glycyrrhetinic acid (GTA) and 3,4'-dimethoxy-5-hydroxychalone, fermononetin and isoliquiritigenin, in extracts of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch root was developed. Migration behavior of these analytes was studied by the systematic examination of the borate and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) concentrations in the run buffer. The optimum separation for these analytes was achieved using 10 mmol l(-1) of tetraborate and 25 mmol l(-1) of SDS as the running buffer, with 17 kV of applied voltage. All experiments were performed using a 50.0 cm (42.4 cm effective length)x75 microm I.D. of fused-silica capillary. The apparent pKa values of GA and GTA and the binding constants for the association between the above five analytes and SDS were calculated in this study. A comparison of the extraction efficiency for GA and GTA from Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch root was made using ethanol, distilled water and chloroform as extraction reagents, respectively. These results provided very useful information to select the proper solvent to extract the desired components in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. The MECC method established in this paper was employed to analysis the above five active components.
411 Polyporus Polyporus Sclerotium 저령 猪苓 균핵(좋지 않은 환경에서 견디기 위하여 만들어진 것으로 균사가 식물의 꽃, 열매, 뿌리, 때로는 유기물에 촘촘히 모여 만든 딱딱한 덩어리. 이렇게 오랫동안 있으면 휴면상태를 유지할 수 있다.) 이 약은 저령 (猪苓) <i>Polyporus umbellatus</i> Fries (구멍장이버섯과 Polyporaceae)의 균핵이다. H Ishida, Y Inaoka, J Shibatani, M Fukushima, K Tsuji Studies of the active substances in herbs used for hair treatment. II. Isolation of hair regrowth substances, acetosyringone and polyporusterone A and B, from Polyporus umbellatus Fries. Biol Pharm Bull 22 11 1189-92 1999.11 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10598026 Fractionation of the 50% ethanol extract of Polyporus umbellatus Fries by column chromatography on Amberlite XAD-2, silica gel, Sephadex LH-20 and octadecyl silica gel (ODS) (C18)) monitored by a hair-regrowth activity assay, afforded three active principles, 1, 2 and 3. The structures of 1, 2 and 3 were determined as acetosyringone, polyporusterone A, and polyporusterone B by comparison of their spectral data with that of authentic samples, respectively. The effects of several compounds related to acetosyringone, 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde or polyporusterone A on hair regrowth were also investigated.
477 Senegae Radix Senega 세네가 뿌리 이 약은 세네가 <i>Polygala senega</i> Linné 또는 넓은잎세네가 <i>Polygala senega</i> Linné var. <i>latifolia</i> Torrey et Gray (원지과 Polygalaceae)의 뿌리이다. H Ishida, Y Inaoka, M Okada, M Fukushima, H Fukazawa, K Tsuji Studies of the active substances in herbs used for hair treatment. III. Isolation of hair-regrowth substances from Polygara senega var. latifolia TORR. et GRAY. Biol Pharm Bull 22 11 1249-50 1999.11 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10598039 Four active principles, 1, 2, 3 and 4, were isolated from Polygara senega var. latifolia TORR. et GRAY by a combination of partition and column chromatography on silica gel and octadecyl silica gel (ODS), monitored by a hair-regrowth activity assay. Compounds 1, 2, 3 and 4 were identified as senegose A, senegin II, senegin III, and senegasaponin b by comparison of their spectral data with those of authentic samples.
264 Humuli Strobilus Hops 호프 忽布 홉, 홀포(忽布) 구과: 열매가 성숙함에 따라 열매 둘레에 목질의 비늘조각이 벌어지는 과실 이 약은 홉 <i>Humulus lupulus</i> Linné (뽕나무과 Moraceae)의 잘 익은 구과(毬果)이다. J Tekel', D De Keukeleire, H Rong, E Daeseleire, C Van Peteghem Determination of the hop-derived phytoestrogen, 8-prenylnaringenin, in beer by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. J Agric Food Chem 47 12 5059-63 1999.12 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10606572 A method was developed to determine 8-prenylnaringenin, a novel hop-derived phytoestrogen, in beer. Matrix purification involved solid-phase extraction on octadecyl silica followed by liquid/liquid extraction on a ChemElut 1010 column connected to a Florisil adsorption/desorption cartridge. 8-Prenylnaringenin was eluted from the tandem columns using a 1:1 mixture of diethyl ether and ethyl acetate and subsequently determined as tris(trimethylsilyl) ether by GC/MS-SIM. The recovery of 8-prenylnaringenin in beer samples was between 61.1 +/- 6.6 and 82.2 +/- 8.8% for levels of 37 and 92.5 microg L(-1), respectively, and the detection limit was approximately 5 microg L(-1). Although most beers do not contain 8-prenylnaringenin in detectable quantities, the highest concentration found was 19.8 microg L(-1). The concentration of 8-prenylnaringenin in beers and, possibly, its absence depend on the selection of particular hop varieties, the hopping rate, or the type of hop product used in brewing. The efficiency of transfer of 8-prenylnaringenin from hops to beer is between 10 and 20%.
66 Aurantii Pericarpium 등피 橙皮 열매껍질 이 약은 광귤나무 <i>Citrus aurantium</i> Linné subsp. <i>amara</i> Engler (운향과 Rutaceae)의 잘 익은 열매의 껍질이다. M Miyazawa, Y Okuno, M Fukuyama, S Nakamura, H Kosaka Antimutagenic activity of polymethoxyflavonoids from Citrus aurantium. J Agric Food Chem 47 12 5239-44 1999.12 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10606602 The methanol extract from Citrus aurantium showed a suppressive effect on umu gene expression of SOS response in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 against the mutagen 2-(2-furyl)-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl)acrylamide (furylfuramide). The methanol extract from C. aurantium was successively re-extracted with hexane, dichloromethane, butanol, and water. A dichloromethane fraction showed a suppressive effect. The suppressive compounds in the dichloromethane fraction were isolated by SiO(2) column chromatography and identified as tetra-O-methylscutellarein (1), sinensetin (2), and nobiletin (3) by EI-MS and (1)H- and (13)C NMR spectroscopy. These compounds suppressed the furylfuramide-induced SOS response in the umu test. Gene expression was suppressed 67%, 45%, and 25% at a concentration of 0.6 micromol/mL, respectively. The ID(50) value (50% inhibition dose) of compound 1 was 0. 19 micromol/mL. These compounds were assayed with other mutagens, 3-amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-1), which requires liver metabolizing enzymes, activated Trp-P-1, and UV irradiation. These compounds showed of all mutagen-induced SOS response in the umu test. In addition, compounds 1-3 exhibited antimutagenic activity in the S. typhimurium TA100 Ames test.
229 Ginkgo Folium Ginkgo Leaf 은행엽 銀杏葉 이 약은 은행나무 <i>Ginkgo biloba</i> Linné (은행나무과 Ginkgoaceae)의 잎이다. O Weichel, M Hilgert, S S Chatterjee, M Lehr, J Klein Bilobalide, a constituent of Ginkgo biloba, inhibits NMDA-induced phospholipase A2 activation and phospholipid breakdown in rat hippocampus. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 360 6 609-15 1999.12 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10619176 In rat hippocampal slices superfused with magnesium-free buffer, glutamate (1 mM) caused the release of large amounts of choline due to phospholipid breakdown. This phenomenon was mimicked by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) in a calcium-sensitive manner and was blocked by NMDA receptor antagonists such as MK-801 and 7-chlorokynurenate. The NMDA-induced release of choline was not caused by activation of phospholipase D but was mediated by phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activation as the release of choline was accompanied by the formation of lyso-phosphatidylcholine (lyso-PC) and glycerophospho-choline (GPCh) and was blocked by 5-[2-(2-carboxyethyl)-4-dodecanoyl-3,5-dimethylpyrrol-1-yl]pentano ic acid, a PLA2 inhibitor. Bilobalide, a constituent of Ginkgo biloba, inhibited the NMDA-induced efflux of choline with an IC50 value of 2.3 microM and also prevented the formation of lyso-PC and GPCh. NMDA also caused a release of choline in vivo when infused into the hippocampus of freely moving rats by retrograde dialysis. Again, the effect was completely inhibited by bilobalide which was administered systemically (20 mg/kg i.p.). Interestingly, convulsions which were observed in the NMDA-treated rats were almost totally suppressed by bilobalide. We conclude that release of choline is a sensitive marker for NMDA-induced phospholipase A2 activation and phospholipid breakdown. Bilobalide inhibited the glutamatergic excitotoxic membrane breakdown both in vitro and in vivo, an effect which may be beneficial in the treatment of brain hypoxia and/or neuronal hyperactivity.
351 Nardotidis seu Sulculii Concha 석결명 石決明 진주모(珍珠母) 껍질(貝殼) 이 약은 말전복 <i>Nardotis gigantea</i> (Gmelin)또는 기타 동속근연동물 또는 오분자기 <i>Sulculus diversicolor super texta</i> (Lischke) (전복과 Haliotidae)의 껍질이다. I M Weiss, S Kaufmann, K Mann, M Fritz Purification and characterization of perlucin and perlustrin, two new proteins from the shell of the mollusc Haliotis laevigata. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 267 1 17-21 2000.1.07 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10623567 Two new proteins, named perlucin and perlustrin, with M(r) 17,000 and 13,000, respectively, were isolated from the shell of the mollusc Halotis laevigata (abalone) by ion-exchange chromatography and reversed-phase HPLC after demineralization of the shell in 10% acetic acid. The sequence of the first 32 amino acids of perlucin indicated that this protein belonged to a heterogeneous group of proteins consisting of a single C-type lectin domain. Perlucin increased the precipitation of CaCO(3) from a saturated solution, indicating that it may promote the nucleation and/or the growth of CaCO(3) crystals. With pancreatic stone protein (lithostathine) and the eggshell protein ovocleidin 17, this is the third C-type lectin domain protein isolated from CaCO(3) biominerals. This indicates that this type of protein performs an important but at present unrecognized function in biomineralization. Perlustrin was a minor component of the protein mixture and the sequence of the first 33 amino acids indicated a certain similarity to part of the much larger nacre protein lustrin A.
276 Juglandis Semen 호도 胡桃 호두, 핵도(核挑) 이 약은 호도나무 <i>Juglans regia</i> Linné (가래나무과 Juglandaceae)의 씨이다. L Zwarts, G P Savage, D L McNeil Fatty acid content of New Zealand-grown walnuts (Juglans regia L.). Int J Food Sci Nutr 50 3 189-94 1999.5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10627834 Walnut (Juglans regia L.) samples were collected during the 1994 and 1995 harvest from ten different cultivars of trees grown in a replicated trial in an experimental orchard at Lincoln University, New Zealand. Two US commercial cultivars (Tehama and Vina), three European commercial cultivars (Esterhazy, 139, G120) and five New Zealand selections (Rex, Dublin's Glory, Meyric, McKinster, Stanley) were evaluated. Total oil was extracted using a cold press and individual fatty acids were analysed by GLC. The total oil content of the nuts ranged from 62.4 to 68.7%. The oleic acid content of the oils ranged from 14.3 to 26.1% of the total fatty acids, while the linoleic acid content ranged from 49.3 to 62.3% and the linolenic contents from 8.0 to 13.8%.
373 Paeoniae Radix Peony Root 작약 芍藥 뿌리 이 약은 작약 <i>Paeonia lactiflora</i> Pallas (작약과 Paeoniaceae)의 뿌리이다. L C Chen, M H Lee, M H Chou, M F Lin, L L Yang Pharmacokinetic study of paeoniflorin in mice after oral administration of Paeoniae radix extract. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 735 1 33-40 1999.11.26 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10630888 Quantification of paeoniflorin, the principal bioactive component of Paeoniae radix, in mice plasma following oral administration of Paeoniae radix extract was achieved by using a simple and rapid high-performance liquid chromatographic method. The calibration curve for paeoniflorin was linear (r2 = 0.998) over the concentration range 10-200 ng/ml. The coefficients of variation of intra- and inter-day assays were 15.04, 7.31, 6.14, 6.55, 6.63% and 12.71, 6.07, 3.61, 5.51, 4.52% at concentrations of 10, 60, 100, 160, 200 ng/ml, respectively. The recoveries of paeoniflorin from mice plasma were found to be 74.49, 76.83, 80.38 and 80.56% for concentrations of 30, 80, 120 and 160 ng/ml, respectively. The plasma concentration-time curves were fitted with mean terminal half-lives (t(1/2)) of 94.16 min.
159 Cynanchi Wilfordii Radix 백수오 白首烏 덩이뿌리: 식물의 뿌리가 양분을 저장하기 위해 크고 뚱뚱해진 것으로, 녹말 등이 저장되어 있으며 다른 말로 괴근이라고도 한다. 이 약은 은조롱 <i>Cynanchum wilfordii</i> Hemsley (박주가리과 Asclepiadaceae)의 덩이뿌리이다. M K Lee, H Yeo, J Kim, G J Markelonis, T H Oh, Y C Kim Cynandione A from Cynanchum wilfordii protects cultured cortical neurons from toxicity induced by H2O2, L-glutamate, and kainate. J Neurosci Res 59 2 259-64 2000.1.15 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10650884 Oxidative stress has been implicated as a primary cause of neuronal death in certain neurodegenerative disorders and in aging brains. Natural products have been used in Asian societies for centuries for treating such neurodegenerative disorders as senile dementia. In an effort to identify active neuroprotective compounds from these products, we have employed cultures of rat cortical neurons as our screening system. A methanolic extract from dried roots of Cynanchum wilfordii Hemsley (Asclepiadaceae) significantly mitigated the neurotoxicity induced by H2O2 in this screening system. Activity-guided fractionation using several chromatographic techniques resulted in the isolation of the neuroprotective compound, cynandione A, a biacetophenone. At a concentration of 50 microM, cynandione A significantly reduced neurotoxicity induced by H2O2. Cynandione A significantly attenuated decreases in levels of glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and other enzymes that participate in the cellular defense against oxidative stress. Furthermore, cynandione A alleviated neurotoxicity induced by the excitotoxic neurotransmitter, L-glutamate, the neurotoxicity induced by kainate, but not that mediated by N-methyl-D-aspartate. Cynandione A was demonstrated to be a natural antioxidant as it facilitated the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide in vitro; however, no mechanism was uncovered to explain its neuroprotectant effects against glutamate and kainate. Therefore, cynandione A may be efficacious in protecting neurons from oxidative stress mediated via activation of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate/kainate receptors since it exerted significant neuroprotective effects on cultured cortical neurons.
373 Paeoniae Radix Peony Root 작약 芍藥 뿌리 이 약은 작약 <i>Paeonia lactiflora</i> Pallas (작약과 Paeoniaceae)의 뿌리이다. K Ono, T Sawada, Y Murata, E Saito, A Iwasaki, Y Arakawa, K Kurokawa, Y Hashimoto Pentagalloylglucose, an antisecretory component of Paeoniae radix, inhibits gastric H+, K(+)-ATPase. Clin Chim Acta 290 2 159-67 2000.1.05 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10660806 We purified a compound with strong inhibitory effect on H+, K(+)-ATPase from Paeoniae radix, which has been used in Japan for the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers. The compound was identified as 1,2,3,4,6,-penta-o-galloyl-beta-D-glucose by proton nuclear magnetic resonance, carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance, and fast atomic bombardment mass spectrometry. The IC50 of the compound for H+, K(+)-ATPase was 166 nmol/l. Kinetic analyses indicated that the inhibition of the enzyme by pentagalloylglucose was noncompetitive with respect to K+. Pentagalloylglucose had relatively weak inhibitory effects for Mg(+)-ATPase (IC50: > 10 mumol/l) and Na+, K(+)-ATPase (IC50: 2.7 mumol/l). Pentagalloylglucose also inhibited the accumulation of [14C]aminopyrine in parietal cells that had been isolated from guinea pig stomach and stimulated by 10 mumol/l histamine (IC50: 7.8 mumol/l) and 1 mmol/l dbc-AMP (IC50: 10 mumol/l). These results suggest that pentagalloylglucose is a potent inhibitor of H+, K(+)-ATPase and may be responsible for inhibition of acid secretion by Paeoniae radix.
50 Armeniacae Semen Apricot Kernel 행인 杏仁 이 약은 살구나무 <i>Prunus armeniaca</i> Linné var. <i>ansu</i> Maximowicz, 개살구나무 <i>Prunus mandshurica</i> Koehne var. <i>glabra</i> Nakai, 시베리아살구 <i>Prunus sibirica</i> Linné 또는 아르메니아살구 <i>Prunus armeniaca</i> Linné (장미과 Rosaceae)의 잘 익은 씨이다. S H Kang, H Jung, N Kim, D H Shin, D S Chung Micellar electrokinetic chromatography for the analysis of D-amygdalin and its epimer in apricot kernel. J Chromatogr A 866 2 253-9 2000.1.14 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10670815 We have developed a simple, rapid and reproducible method for the determination of D-amygdalin and its epimer by using micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC). Separation of D-amygdalin was performed in a 20 mM sodium borate buffer (pH 8.5) containing 300 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate using a bare fused-silica capillary. The eluates were monitored by the absorbance at 210 nm. The applied electric field was 278 V/cm, and the time needed for the separation of D-amygdalin did not exceed 6 min. The calibration curve for D-amygdalin showed excellent linearity in the concentration range of 5-500 microg/ml. The migration time and the corrected peak area show relative standard deviations (n=6) of 0.86% and 1.48%, respectively. The limit of detection (S/N=3) for D-amygdalin was 2 microg/ml. Under acidic and neutral conditions, amygdalin exists only as the D-form; however, under basic conditions, it shows both the D- and L-forms with a concentration ratio of 1:1.3 (D-amygdalin/L-amygdalin). Results of HPLC, UV-Vis spectrophotometry, and mass spectrometry reconfirmed the identification of D-amygdalin and its epimer. The number of theoretical plates of D-amygdalin is about 100,000 in MEKC, which is significantly higher than approximately 8,000 of HPLC. This method has been successfully applied to the determination of amygdalin epimers in various apricot kernel extracts and pharmaceutical products.
99 Capsici Fructus Capsicum 고추 苦椒 고초(苦椒) 열매 이 약은 고추 <i>Capsicum annuum</i> Linné 또는 그 변종(가지과 Solanaceae)의 열매이다. A Saito, K Nakamura, Y Hori, M Yamamoto Effects of capsaicin on biliary free fatty acids in rats. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 70 1 19-23 2000.1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10683757 The effects of capsaicin, a major pungent agent of capsicum fruits, on biliary free fatty acids (FFAs) were studied in male rats. Animals were dosed 100 mg/kg capsaicin after the administration of olive oil, and the bile was obtained for 6 hours continuously after dosing with capsaicin for analysis of FFAs using HPLC methods. Capsaicin significantly decreased the total biliary FFA concentration in the animals which had been previously increased by the administration of olive oil. The main FFAs in the bile of control rats are lauric and palmitic acids, followed by linoleic, oleic, stearic and palmitoleic acids. Capsaicin alone decreased the values of these main FFAs. While lauric, palmitic, linoleic, stearic and arachidonic acids were increased significantly by the treatment with olive oil, elevation of these FFAs was inhibited by the treatment with capsaicin.
410 Polygoni Multiflori Radix Polygonum Multiflorum Root 하수오 何首烏 덩이뿌리: 식물의 뿌리가 양분을 저장하기 위해 크고 뚱뚱해진 것으로, 녹말 등이 저장되어 있으며 다른 말로 괴근이라고도 한다. 이 약은 하수오 <i>Polygonum multiflorum</i> Thunberg (여뀌과 Polygonaceae)의 덩이뿌리이다. X Ma, D Ma, H Pan, D Ma [Determination of emodin in kangnaoshuai capsules and in radix Polygoni multifori by thin layer chromatography scanning]. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 22 1 31-2, 61 1997.1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10683908 The content of emodin in Kangnaoshuai Capsules was determined by TLC scanning. The method is simple and the result is accurate. The average recovery is 99.17% and RSD is 1.14%. The content of emodin in Radix Polygoni Multiflori was also determined by the same method. The method is useful in quality control of products.
354 Nelumbinis Plumula 연자심 蓮子心 잘 익은 씨 중의 어린 잎 및 배근 이 약은 연꽃 <i>Nelumbo nucifera</i> Gaertner (수련과 Nymphaeaceae)의 잘 익은 씨 중의 어린 잎 및 배근이다. X Hu, Z Guo, B Zhou, S Luo, H Cai [Quantitative determination of neferine in plumula Nelumbinis by thin layer chromatography scanning]. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 22 1 41-2, 62 1997.1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10683912 The content of neferine in Plumula Nelumbinis wsa determined by dual-wavelength TLC-scanning. The linear range was found to be 0.5-6.7 micrograms. The average recovery was 100.35%. The contents of neferine in growing in Fujian, Jiangxi and Hubei provinces Plumula Nelumbinis were found to be 0.199%, 2.46% and 2.48% respectively.
174 Draconis Sanguis 혈갈 血竭 덩어리 이 약은 기린갈(麒麟竭) <i>Daemonorops draco</i> Blume 또는 기타 동속식물 (종려과 Palmae)의 열매에서 삼출된 수지를 가열 압착하여 만든 덩어리이다. S Liu, Z Li, G Qian [Quantitative determination of dracorhodin in Daemonorops draco B1. and traditional Chinese medicines containing Daemonorops draco B1. by HPLC]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 28 4 450-3 1997.12 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10683968 A reversed phase high performance liquid chromatographic mertod for the determination of Dracorhodin in Daemonorops draco B1. and Traditional Chinese Medicines containing Daemonorops draco B1. has been developed so as to set the quality standard for Sichuan Jinyao. The result showed that the components of Dracorhodin were separated by ODS column, with MeOH-0.05 mol/L NaH2PO4 (51:50) (pH = 3.10-3.15, adjusted with H2PO4) acting as the mobile phase. The other high retentive components were eluted by methanol; thus the analytical time was reduced. The method is simple and accurate.
128 Cistanchis Herba 육종용 肉蓯蓉 육질경(肉質莖): 고기의 살과 근육과 비슷한 줄기 부분 이 약은 육종용(肉蓯蓉) <i>Cistanche deserticola</i> Y. C. Ma 또는 기타 동속 근연식물 (열당과 Orobanchaceae)의 육질경(肉質莖)이다. T Nakamura, A Hashimoto, H Nishi, Y Kokusenya [Investigation on the marker substances of crude drugs in formulations. II. Marker substances for the identification of Cistanchis Herba in drinkable preparations]. Yakugaku Zasshi 120 2 238-43 2000.2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10689970 There are few reports about marker substances for the identification of Cistanchis Herba in formulations. First, constituent analysis was performed by HPLC for screening of a marker substance, using several lots of Cistanchis Herba and its fluid extract. As a result, two components were clearly detected, which were thought to be good marker substances and identified to be echinacoside and acteoside by structural analysis. Stability testing of these two marker substances in various pH and temperature conditions was carried out, which suggested that they are stable and suitable enough for the identification. Therefore, the identification methods of Cistanchis Herba and its fluid extract in formulations were investigated using five different kinds of commercial drinkable preparations with authentic standard of echinacoside and acteoside as marker substances. Consequently, echinacoside and acteoside were clearly detected in all formulations investigated, using an HPLC-photodiode array detector system. Echinacoside and acteoside will be successfully used as marker substances for the identification of Cistanchis Herba and its fluid extract in formulations.
408 Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma et Radix 호장근 虎杖根 고장(苦杖) 뿌리줄기(땅속으로 뻗어있는 뿌리모양의 줄기로서 줄기의 마디에서 잔뿌리를 낸다.) 이 약은 호장근 <i>Polygonum cuspidatum</i> Siebold et Zuccarinii (여뀌과 Polygonaceae)의 뿌리줄기 및 뿌리이다. B C Vastano, Y Chen, N Zhu, C T Ho, Z Zhou, R T Rosen Isolation and identification of stilbenes in two varieties of Polygonum cuspidatum. J Agric Food Chem 48 2 253-6 2000.2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10691624 The roots of two varieties of Polygonum cuspidatum (Hu Zhang and Mexican Bamboo) were analyzed for resveratrol and analogues. The roots of each variety were dried and ground into a powder. The powdered roots were then extracted with methanol and ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate fraction of the Mexican Bamboo was then subjected to fractionation and purification using silica gel column chromatography and semipreparative HPLC. In addition to resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene), three stilbene glucosides were identified by (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR, and MS. The stilbene glucosides were shown to be a piceatannol glucoside (3,5,3', 4'-tetrahydroxystilbene 4'-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside), resveratroloside (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene 4'-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside), and piceid (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside). The levels of the piceatannol glucoside and piceid were twice as high in the Mexican Bamboo as compared to the Hu Zhang.
548 Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens Raw Ginger 생강 生薑 뿌리줄기(땅속으로 뻗어있는 뿌리모양의 줄기로서 줄기의 마디에서 잔뿌리를 낸다.) 이 약은 생강 <i>Zingiber officinale</i> Roscoe (생강과 Zingiberaceae)의 신선한 뿌리줄기이다. Y Sekiwa, K Kubota, A Kobayashi Isolation of novel glucosides related to gingerdiol from ginger and their antioxidative activities. J Agric Food Chem 48 2 373-7 2000.2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10691642 Two novel glucosides of 6-gingerdiol were isolated from fresh ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe). Their structures were determined as 1-(4-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-3-methoxyphenyl)-3,5-dihydroxydecane (1) and 5-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-3-hydroxy-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)deca ne (2) by HRFAB-MS and NMR analyses, and the absolute configurations of both aglycons were identified as (3S,5S) by a comparison with synthetic compounds. After incubating these glucosides with acetone powder prepared from fresh ginger, they were confirmed to have been hydrolyzed to 6-gingerdiol by HPLC. This result suggests that these glucosides are the precursors or intermediates of 6-gingerdiol. To recognize their function, their antioxidative activities were investigated and compared to that of their aglycon, 6-gingerdiol, by a linoleic acid model system and by their DPPH radical-scavenging ability. Although 1 did not indicate any activity, 2 had as strong activity as the aglycon in both measurements.
364 Onion 양총 洋葱 양파 비늘줄기(줄기의 밑 부분에 다수의 비늘조각이 줄기를 둘러싸고 지하 저장기관의 역할을 하는 부분) 이 약은 양파 <i>Allium cepa</i> L.의 (백합과 Liliaceae) 비늘줄기를 건조한 것이다. S Widder, C Sabater Lüntzel, T Dittner, W Pickenhagen 3-Mercapto-2-methylpentan-1-ol, a new powerful aroma compound. J Agric Food Chem 48 2 418-23 2000.2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10691650 3-Mercapto-2-methylpentan-1-ol was first detected in a complex thermally processed flavor and finally isolated from raw onions. The chemical structure of this new compound was identified by MS and (1)H NMR measurement and synthesis of the proposed structure. Sensory evaluation at different concentrations indicated that the flavor quality is strongly dependent on concentration. At low concentration (0.5 ppb) a pleasant meat broth, sweaty, onion, and leek-like odor can be perceived. On the basis of some isolation experiments and volatiles occurring in raw onions, a formation pathway is proposed. As one intermediate 3-mercapto-2-methylpentanal, another new strong flavor compound, was suggested. The presence of this compound in raw onions was confirmed by synthesis and comparison of MS and chromatographic data.
231 Ginseng Radix Ginseng 인삼 人蔘 뿌리 이 약은 인삼 <i>Panax ginseng</i> C. A. Meyer (두릅나무과 Araliaceae)의 뿌리로서 그대로 또는 가는 뿌리와 코르크층을 제거한 것이다. N Fukuda, H Tanaka, Y Shoyama Isolation of the pharmacologically active saponin ginsenoside Rb1 from ginseng by immunoaffinity column chromatography. J Nat Prod 63 2 283-5 2000.2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10691730 Immunoaffinity column chromatography using an anti-ginsenoside Rb1 monoclonal antibody has made possible a single-step separation of ginsenoside Rb1 from a crude extract of ginseng roots (Panax ginseng). The combination of immunoaffinity column chromatography and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was also investigated.
173 Dolichoris Semen Dolichos Seed 백편두 白扁豆 이 약은 편두(扁豆) <i>Dolichos lablab</i> Linné (콩과 Leguminosae)의 잘 익은 씨이다. X Y Ye, H X Wang, T B Ng Dolichin, a new chitinase-like antifungal protein isolated from field beans (Dolichos lablab). Biochem Biophys Res Commun 269 1 155-9 2000.3.05 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10694493 An antifungal protein, possessing a molecular weight of 28 kDa and an N-terminal sequence resembling chitinases, has been purified from the seeds of the field bean Dolichos lablab. The procedure involved extraction with aqueous buffer, affinity chromatography on Affi-gel blue gel, and ion exchange chromatography on CM-Sepharose. The protein, designated dolichin, exhibited antifungal activity against the fungi Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani, and Coprinus comatus. Dolichin was capable of inhibiting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) reverse transcriptase and alpha- and beta-glucosidases which are glycohydrolases implicated in HIV infection. It had very low ribonuclease and cell-free translation-inhibitory activities.
141 Coptidis Rhizoma Coptis Rhizome 황련 黃連 뿌리줄기(땅속으로 뻗어있는 뿌리모양의 줄기로서 줄기의 마디에서 잔뿌리를 낸다.) 이 약은 황련 <i>Coptis japonica</i> Makino, 중국황련 (中國黃連) <i>Coptis chinensis</i> Franchet, 삼각엽황련 (三角葉黃連) <i>Coptis deltoidea</i> C. Y. Cheng et Hsiao 또는 운련 (雲連) <i>Coptis teeta</i> Wallich (미나리아재비과 Ranunculaceae)의 뿌리줄기로서 뿌리를 제거한 것이다. H S Lee, Y E Eom, D O Eom Narrowbore high performance liquid chromatography of berberine and palmatine in crude drugs and pharmaceuticals with ion-pair extraction using cobalt thiocyanate reagent. J Pharm Biomed Anal 21 1 59-63 1999.10 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10701913 For the simultaneous determination of berberine and palmatine from Phellodendri Cortex, Coptidis Rhizoma and pharmaceuticals, a new narrowbore HPLC method was developed with a simple and selective sample clean-up using cobalt thiocyanate reagent. Samples were sonicated with 2% hydrochloric acid for 30 min and protoberberine-type alkaloids in the resulting mixture were extracted with cobalt thiocyanate reagent and dichloroethane. The aliquot of dichloroethane layer was evaporated and the residue was dissolved for HPLC analysis. The recoveries of berberine and palmatine from Phellodendri Cortex, and Coptidis Rhizoma were better than 90%. Calibration curves for berberine and palmatine were linear over the concentration range of 0.1-50 microg/ml. Limits of quantitation for berberine and palmatine were 0.5 ng. This sample preparation process can be used for the identification of protoberberine-type alkaloids from crude drugs and oriental pharmaceutical preparations.
382 Phellodendri Cortex Phellodendron Bark 황백 黃柏 줄기껍질: 줄기의 바깥에 있는 죽은 조직으로 나무껍질이라고도 한다. 이 약은 황벽나무 <i>Phellodendron amurense</i> Ruprecht 또는 황피수 (黃皮樹) <i>Phellodendron chinense</i> Schneider (운향과 Rutaceae)의 줄기껍질로서 주피를 제거한 것이다. H S Lee, Y E Eom, D O Eom Narrowbore high performance liquid chromatography of berberine and palmatine in crude drugs and pharmaceuticals with ion-pair extraction using cobalt thiocyanate reagent. J Pharm Biomed Anal 21 1 59-63 1999.10 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10701913 For the simultaneous determination of berberine and palmatine from Phellodendri Cortex, Coptidis Rhizoma and pharmaceuticals, a new narrowbore HPLC method was developed with a simple and selective sample clean-up using cobalt thiocyanate reagent. Samples were sonicated with 2% hydrochloric acid for 30 min and protoberberine-type alkaloids in the resulting mixture were extracted with cobalt thiocyanate reagent and dichloroethane. The aliquot of dichloroethane layer was evaporated and the residue was dissolved for HPLC analysis. The recoveries of berberine and palmatine from Phellodendri Cortex, and Coptidis Rhizoma were better than 90%. Calibration curves for berberine and palmatine were linear over the concentration range of 0.1-50 microg/ml. Limits of quantitation for berberine and palmatine were 0.5 ng. This sample preparation process can be used for the identification of protoberberine-type alkaloids from crude drugs and oriental pharmaceutical preparations.
200 Evodiae Fructus Evodia Fruit 오수유 吳茱萸 열매 이 약은 오수유 (吳茱萸) <i>Evodia rutaecarpa</i> Bentham, 석호 (石虎) <i>Evodia rutaecarpa</i> Bentham var. <i>officinalis</i> Huang 또는 소모오수유 (疎毛吳茱萸) <i>Evodia rutaecarpa</i> Bentham var. <i>bodinieri</i> Huang (운향과 Rutaceae)의 열매로서 거의 익어 벌어지기 전에 채취한다. N Hamasaki, E Ishii, K Tominaga, Y Tezuka, T Nagaoka, S Kadota, T Kuroki, I Yano Highly selective antibacterial activity of novel alkyl quinolone alkaloids from a Chinese herbal medicine, Gosyuyu (Wu-Chu-Yu), against Helicobacter pylori in vitro. Microbiol Immunol 44 1 9-15 2000 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10711594 To elucidate the antibacterial activity of Gosyuyu, the crude extract from the fruit of Evodia rutaecarpa, a Chinese herbal medicine, has been fractionated chromatographically, and each fraction was assayed for antibacterial activity against Helicobacterpylori (H. pylori) in vitro. As the result, a single spot having marked antibacterial activity against H. pylori was obtained and the chemical structure was analyzed. The isolated compound was revealed to be a novel alkyl quinolone alkaloid based on the solubility, IR spectra, NMR analysis and mass spectrometric data after purification by TLC of silica. We compared the antimicrobial activity of this compound with that of other antimicrobial agents and examined susceptibility of various intestinal pathogens. As the result, the new quinolone compounds obtained from Gosyuyu extracts were found to be a mixture of two quinolone alkaloids, 1-methyl-2-[(Z)-8-tridecenyl]-4-(1H)-quinolone and 1-methyl-2-[(Z)-7-tridecenyl]-4-(1H)-quinolone (MW: 339), reported previously. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of these compounds against reference strains and clinically isolated H. pylori strains were less than 0.05 microg/ml, which was similar to the MIC of amoxicillin and clarithromycin that are used worldwide for the eradication of H. pylori, clinically. Furthermore, it was noted that the antimicrobial activity of these compounds was highly selective against H. pylori and almost non-active against other intestinal pathogens. The above results showed that these alkyl methyl quinolone (AM quinolones) alkaloids were useful for the eradication of H. pylori without affecting other intestinal flora.
54 Artemisiae Capillaris Herba 인진호 茵蔯蒿 인진(茵陳) 지상부(식물의 잎, 줄기, 가지 등의 지상부분) 이 약은 사철쑥 <i>Artemisia capillaris</i> Thunberg (국화과 Compositae)의 지상부이다. 봄에 채취한 것을 ‘면인진(綿茵蔯)’이라 하고, 가을에 채취한 것을 ‘인진호(茵蔯蒿)’라 한다. H Wang, H Zou, J Ni, L Kong, S Gao, B Guo Fractionation and analysis of Artemisia capillaris Thunb. by affinity chromatography with human serum albumin as stationary phase. J Chromatogr A 870 1-2 501-10 2000.2.18 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10722108 A method for the screening and analysis of biologically active compounds in traditional Chinese medicine is proposed. Affinity chromatography using a human serum albumin (HSA) stationary phase was applied to separate and analyze the bioactive compounds from Artemisia capillaris Thunb. Five major peaks and several minor peaks were resolved based on their affinity to HSA, two of them were identified as scoparone (SCO, 6,7-dimethoxycoumarin) and capillarisin (CAP). CAP shows a much higher affinity to HSA than SCO. The effects of acetonitrile concentration, eluent pH, phosphate concentration and temperature on the retention behaviors of several major active components were also investigated, and it was found that hydrophobicity and eluent pH play major roles in changing retention values. The results demonstrate that the affinity chromatography with a HSA stationary phase is an effective way for analyzing and screening biologically active compounds in traditional Chinese medicine.
231 Ginseng Radix Ginseng 인삼 人蔘 뿌리 이 약은 인삼 <i>Panax ginseng</i> C. A. Meyer (두릅나무과 Araliaceae)의 뿌리로서 그대로 또는 가는 뿌리와 코르크층을 제거한 것이다. G Ren, F Chen Drying of steamed Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) roots by microwave-hot air combination. Pharmazie 55 2 124-8 2000.2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10723771 Steamed Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) roots were dried by a combined microwave-hot air method in a modified experimental microwave oven. Hot air drying was used as a reference method. The drying time to achieve the desired moisture level (10%) as well as the ginsenoside contents and the color of the final product were determined. The ginsenosides Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf, Rg1 and Ro were analyzed by HPLC. Compared with hot air drying, the combined microwave-hot air drying method resulted in a substantial decrease (approximately 30-40%) in drying time and had little influence on the ginsenoside contents and the color of the final product.
475 Scutellariae Radix Scutellaria Root 황금 黃芩 뿌리 이 약은 속썩은풀 <i>Scutellaria baicalensis</i> Georgi (꿀풀과 Labiatae)의 뿌리로서 그대로 또는 주피를 제거한 것이다. S Nagashima, M Hirotani, T Yoshikawa Purification and characterization of UDP-glucuronate: baicalein 7-O-glucuronosyltransferase from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. cell suspension cultures. Phytochemistry 53 5 533-8 2000.3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10724177 UDP-glucuronate: baicalein 7-O-glucuronosyltransferase (UBGAT) catalyzes the transfer of glucuronic acid from UDP-glucuronic acid to the 7-OH of baicalein. UBGAT was purified from cultured cells of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi (Lamiaceae). It was purified 95-fold using various chromatography and chromatofocusing procedures to apparent homogeneity. The Mr was estimated to be 110 kDa by gel filtration chromatography with a 52 kDa subunit by SDS-PAGE. The isoelectric point was pH 4.8. UBGAT was specific to UDP-glucuronic acid as a sugar donor and flavones with substitution ortho- to the 7-OH group such its baicalein (6-OH), scutellarein (6-OH) and wogonin (8-OMe).
401 Pogostemonis Herba Pogostemon Herb 광곽향 廣藿香 지상부(식물의 잎, 줄기, 가지 등의 지상부분) 이 약은 광곽향 (廣藿香) <i>Pogostemon cablin</i> Bentham (꿀풀과 Labiatae)의 지상부이다. M Miyazawa, Y Okuno, S Nakamura, H Kosaka Antimutagenic activity of flavonoids from Pogostemon cablin. J Agric Food Chem 48 3 642-7 2000.3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10725128 A methanol extract from Pogostemon cablin showed a suppressive effect on umu gene expression of SOS response in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 against the mutagen 2-(2-furyl)-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl)acrylamide (furylfuramide). The methanol extract was re-extracted with hexane, dichloromethane, butanol, and water. A dichloromethane fraction showed a suppressive effect. Suppressive compounds against furylfuramide in the dichloromethane fraction were isolated by SiO(2) column chromatography and identified as 7,4'-di-O-methyleriodictyol (1), 7, 3',4'-tri-O-methyleriodictyol (2), and 3,7,4'-tri-O-methylkaempferol (3). In addition, three flavonoids, ombuine (4), pachypodol (5), and kumatakenin (6), were isolated and identified from the dichrolomethane fraction. Compounds 1 and 3 suppressed >50% of the SOS-inducing activity at <0.6 micromol/mL, and the ID(50) values of both compounds were 0.25 micromol/mL. Compound 2 showed a weakly suppressive effect (17%) at a concentration of 0.6 micromol/mL, and compounds 4-6 did not. These compounds were also assayed with 3-amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-1), which requires liver metabolizing enzymes. Compounds 3-6 suppressed >80% of the SOS-inducing activity of Trp-P-1 at <0.06 micromol/mL, and compounds 1 and 2 suppressed 87 and 63% at a concentration of 0.3 micromol/mL. In addition, these compounds were assayed with activated Trp-P-1, and the suppressed effects of these compounds were further decreased when compared to Trp-P-1. The antimutagenic activities of these compounds against furylfuramide, Trp-P-1, and activated Trp-P-1 were assayed by the Ames test using S. typhimurium TA100.
208 Forsythiae Fructus Forsythia Fruit 연교 連翹 열매 이 약은 의성개나리 <i>Forsythia viridissima</i> Lindley 또는 연교 (連翹) <i>Forsythia suspensa</i> Vahl (물푸레나무과 Oleaceae)의 열매이다. 열매가 막 익기 시작하여 녹색 빛이 남아있을 때 채취하여 쪄서 말린 것을 청교 (靑翹)라 하고, 완전히 익었을 때 채취하여 말린 것을 노교 (老翹)라 한다. Y Ozaki, J Rui, Y T Tang Antiinflammatory effect of Forsythia suspensa V(AHL) and its active principle. Biol Pharm Bull 23 3 365-7 2000.3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10726898 This study was carried out to elucidate the antiinflammatory active principles obtained from 70% methanol extract of the dried fruit of Forsythia suspensa V(AHL) (F. suspensa). The methanol extract was then partitioned between n-hexane and water, and then the n-hexane fraction was evaporated to dryness under vacuum. The n-hexane fraction was chromatographed (Frs. I--V), Fr. IV was rechromatographed (Frs. VI--VIII), and then Fr. VII was rechromatographed (Frs. IX--XI) by silica gel column chromatography. The antiinflammatory activity of these fractions was investigated on acetic acid-induced vascular permeability in rats. The n-hexane fraction showed an antiinflammatory effect and these activities shifted successively to Fr. IV, Fr. VII and Fr. X. The chemical structure of the active principle obtained from Fr. X was identified as 3beta-acetoxy-20,25-epoxydammarane-24-ol. These results suggest that the antiinflammatory and an analgesic effect of 70% methanol extract of F. suspensa may be the result of the compound that it contains.
231 Ginseng Radix Ginseng 인삼 人蔘 뿌리 이 약은 인삼 <i>Panax ginseng</i> C. A. Meyer (두릅나무과 Araliaceae)의 뿌리로서 그대로 또는 가는 뿌리와 코르크층을 제거한 것이다. T W Chan, P P But, S W Cheng, I M Kwok, F W Lau, H X Xu Differentiation and authentication of Panax ginseng, Panax quinquefolius, and ginseng products by using HPLC/MS. Anal Chem 72 6 1281-7 2000.3.15 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10740871 An LC/MS-based method is established for the differentiation and authentication of specimens and commercial samples of Panax ginseng (Oriental ginseng) and Panax quinquefolius (American ginseng). This method is based on the separation of ginsenosides present in the ginseng methanolic extracts using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), followed by detection with electrospray mass spectrometry. Differentiation of ginsenosides is achieved through simultaneous detection of intact ginsenoside molecular ions and the ions of their characteristic thermal degradation products. An important parameter used for differentiating P. ginseng and P. quinquefolius is the presence of ginsenoside Rf and 24-(R)-pseudoginsenoside F11 in the RICs of Oriental and American ginsengs, respectively. It is important to stress that ginsenoside Rf and 24(R)-pseudoginsenoside F11, which possess the same molecular weight and were found to have similar retention times under most LC conditions, can be unambiguously distinguished in the present HPLC/MS method. The method developed is robust, reliable, reproducible, and highly sensitive down to the nanogram level.
130 Citri Unshius Pericarpium Citrus Unshiu Peel 진피 陳皮 잘 익은 열매 껍질 이 약은 귤나무 <i>Citrus unshiu</i> Markovich 또는 <i>Citrus reticulata</i> Blanco (운향과 Rutaceae)의 잘 익은 열매껍질이다. T Wang, X Guo, J Zhang [Effect of processing and storage time on content of hesperidin in green tangerine peel]. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 22 3 156-8, 191 1997.3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10743184 The contents of hesperidin in Green Tangerine Peel (Citrus reticulata), in its processed products and in commecial samples were determined by HPLC. The results indicate that the contents of hesperidin in the processed products from Chengdu and Huangyan are 14.28% and 10.75% less than shose of the crude drugs respectively. It has been found out that the content of hesperidin in Green Tangerine Peel before and after processing reduces with the passage of storage time.
106 Cassiae Semen Cassia Seed 결명자 決明子 이 약은 결명차 <i>Cassia tora</i> Linné 또는 결명 (決明) <i>Cassia obtusifolia</i> Linné (콩과 Leguminosae)의 잘 익은 씨이다. A Cao, M Sha, S Meng, L Jiang, Z Zhang [Determination of chrysophanol in semen Cassiae by HPLC]. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 22 2 107-8, 128, inside back cover 1997.2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10743205 A HPLC method for the determination of chrysophanol in Semen Cassiae was investigated. The result showed that this method was simple, specific and accurate. The recovery was 99.0% and relative standard deviation was 1.8%. The method is useful for the quality control of this medicinal meaterial.
31 Amomi Fructus Amomum Fruit 사인 砂仁 축사(縮砂) 열매 이 약은 녹각사 (錄殼砂) <i>Amomum villosum</i> Loureiro var. <i>xanthioides</i> T. L. Wu et Senjen 또는 양춘사 (陽春砂) <i>Amomum villosum</i> Loureiro (생강과 Zingiberaceae)의 잘 익은 열매 또는 씨의 덩어리이다. J Yu, L Sun, L Zhou, X Luo, J Guo, C Liu, P Cong [Chemical constituents of fructus Amomi]. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 22 4 231-2, 255 1997.4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10743216 Seven compounds have been isolated from Fructus Amomi. They were identified as bornyl acetate, camphor, borneol, beta-sitosterol, vanillic acid, stearic acid and palmitic acid. The vanillic acid was found in this medicine for the first time. Fifty-seven components were identified from the volatile oil of Fructus Amomi on the basis of GC-MS analysis. Eight components in the volatile oil over 1% in content are bornyl acetate, camphor, borneol, limonene, camphene, myrecene, carene-3 and alpha-terpeneol.
110 Celosiae Semen 청상자 靑葙子 이 약은 개맨드라미 <i>Celosia argentea</i> Linné (비름과 Amaranthaceae)의 씨이다. H Morita, K Shimbo, H Shigemori, J Kobayashi Antimitotic activity of moroidin, a bicyclic peptide from the seeds of Celosia argentea. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 10 5 469-71 2000.3.06 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10743950 A unique bicyclic peptide, moroidin (1), from the seeds of Celosia argentea (Amaranthaceae) strongly inhibited the polymerization of tubulin. The stereostructure of moroidin (1) was reinvestigated by spectroscopic data, chemical degradation, and molecular dynamics simulation.
22 Allii Bulbus Garlic 대산 大蒜 호산(葫蒜) 인경: 비늘줄기. 줄기의 밑 부분에 다수의 비늘조각이 줄기를 둘러싸고 지하 저장기관의 역할을 하는 부분 이 약은 마늘 <i>Allium sativum</i> Linné (백합과 Liliaceae)의 비늘줄기이다. L Liu, Y Y Yeh Inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis by organosulfur compounds derived from garlic. Lipids 35 2 197-203 2000.2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10757551 The study was undertaken to test the inhibitory potential on cholesterogenesis of organosulfur compounds derived from garlic. The primary rat hepatocytes maintained in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium were treated with [2-14C]acetate as substrate for cholesterol synthesis in the presence or absence of test compounds at 0.05 to 4.0 mmol/L. Eleven water-soluble and six lipid-soluble compounds of garlic were tested. Among water-soluble compounds, S-allyl cysteine (SAC), S-ethyl cysteine (SEC), and S-propyl cysteine (SPC) inhibited [2-14C]acetate incorporation into cholesterol in a concentration-dependent manner, achieving 42 to 55% maximal inhibition. Gamma-glutamyl-S-allyl cysteine, gamma-glutamyl-S-methyl cysteine, and gamma-glutamyl-S-propyl cysteine were less potent, exerting only 16 to 29% maximal inhibitions. Alliin, S-allyl-N-acetyl cysteine, S-allylsulfonyl alanine, and S-methyl cysteine had no effect on cholesterol synthesis. Of the lipid-soluble compounds, diallyl disulfide (DADS), diallyl trisulfide (DATS), and dipropyl disulfide (DPDS) depressed cholesterol synthesis by 10 to 25% at low concentrations (< or =0.5 mmol/L), and abolished the synthesis at high concentrations (> or =1.0 mmol/L). Diallyl sulfide, dipropyl sulfide, and methyl allyl sulfide slightly inhibited [2-14C]acetate incorporation into cholesterol only at high concentrations. The complete depression of cholesterol synthesis by DADS, DATS, and DPDS was associated with cytotoxicity as indicated by marked increase in cellular LDH release. There was no apparent increase in LDH secretion by water-soluble compounds except S-allyl mercaptocysteine, which also abolished cholesterol synthesis. Judging from maximal inhibition and IC50 (concentration required for 50% of maximal inhibition), SAC, SEC, and SPC are equally potent in inhibiting cholesterol synthesis.
229 Ginkgo Folium Ginkgo Leaf 은행엽 銀杏葉 이 약은 은행나무 <i>Ginkgo biloba</i> Linné (은행나무과 Ginkgoaceae)의 잎이다. X He, M W Bernart, G S Nolan, L Lin, M P Lindenmaier High-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry study of ginkgolic acid in the leaves and fruits of the ginkgo tree (Ginkgo biloba). J Chromatogr Sci 38 4 169-73 2000.4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10766484 A method is developed for qualitative analysis of ginkgolic acids in the leaves and fruits of Ginkgo biloba by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry technique. Negative ionization mode is successful in obtaining a very abundant deprotonated molecule [M - H]-. The mass detection sensitivity is higher than ultraviolet detection but relies heavily on the concentration of acetic acid in the HPLC eluent, which consists of acetonitrile-water-acetic acid. The method is also very specific for the analysis of ginkgolic acid with no interferences from the sample matrix.
141 Coptidis Rhizoma Coptis Rhizome 황련 黃連 뿌리줄기(땅속으로 뻗어있는 뿌리모양의 줄기로서 줄기의 마디에서 잔뿌리를 낸다.) 이 약은 황련 <i>Coptis japonica</i> Makino, 중국황련 (中國黃連) <i>Coptis chinensis</i> Franchet, 삼각엽황련 (三角葉黃連) <i>Coptis deltoidea</i> C. Y. Cheng et Hsiao 또는 운련 (雲連) <i>Coptis teeta</i> Wallich (미나리아재비과 Ranunculaceae)의 뿌리줄기로서 뿌리를 제거한 것이다. J P Kim, M Y Jung, J P Kim, S Y Kim Antiphotooxidative activity of protoberberines derived from Coptis japonica makino in the chlorophyll-sensitized photooxidation of oil. J Agric Food Chem 48 4 1058-63 2000.4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10775349 Antiphotooxidative components were isolated from the methanolic extract of Coptis japonica Makino by liquid-liquid partitioning fractionation, subsequent column chromatography on Sephadex LH-20 and silica gel, and preparative silica gel TLC. The isolated compounds were identified as coptisine, jatrorrizhine, berberine, and magnoflorine by a combination of spectroscopic studies using UV-visible, IR, mass-spectrometry, and NMR. Coptisine, jatrorrizhine, and berberine isolated from Coptis japonica Makino showed strong antiphotooxidative activity in the chlorophyll-sensitized photooxidation of linoleic acid. However, these compounds did not show either inhibitory activity against lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes nor DPPH radical scavenging activity, indicating that their antiphotooxidative activity was not due to the radical chain reaction breaking ability but due to singlet oxygen quenching activity. Commercially available authentic protoberberines (berberine chloride and palmatine chloride) also showed strong antioxidative activity in the chlorophyll-sensitized photooxidation of linoleic acid. The antiphotooxidative activities of the berberine chloride and palmatine chloride were significantly higher than that of ascorbyl palmitate in the chlorophyll-sensitized photooxidation of linoleic acid. These results clearly showed for the first time the antiphotooxidative properties of protoberberines in chlorophyll-sensitized photooxidation of oil.
264 Humuli Strobilus Hops 호프 忽布 홉, 홀포(忽布) 구과: 열매가 성숙함에 따라 열매 둘레에 목질의 비늘조각이 벌어지는 과실 이 약은 홉 <i>Humulus lupulus</i> Linné (뽕나무과 Moraceae)의 잘 익은 구과(毬果)이다. S Eri, B K Khoo, J Lech, T G Hartman Direct thermal desorption-gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry profiling of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) essential oils in support of varietal characterization. J Agric Food Chem 48 4 1140-9 2000.4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10775363 The use of direct thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DTD-GC-MS) and DTD-GC-flame ionization detection (DTD-GC-FID) for characterization of hop essential oils is described. Four hop varieties (Nugget, Galena, Willamette, and Cluster) from the Yakima valley (Yakima, WA) 1998 harvest were analyzed by DTD-GC-MS and DTD-GC-FID methodology. Approximately 1 g of hops was needed for the analysis. Hop samples were prepared for GC-MS and/or GC-FID profiling in approximately 20 min. More than 100 volatile compounds have been identified and quantified for each hop variety. The results were found to be in good agreement with conventional steam distillation-extraction (SDE) data. A calibration curve for determination of essential oil content in hops by DTD-GC-FID has been generated. Quantitation of hop oil content by DTD-GC-FID was shown to be in good agreement with conventional SDE data. The recovery of key oil components valuable for varietal identification was demonstrated to be highly reproducible and characteristic of each variety analyzed when DTD-GC-FID was used for analysis.
299 Lithospermi Radix Lithospermum Root 자근 紫根 뿌리 이 약은 지치 <i>Lithospermum erythrorhizon</i> Siebold et Zuccarini, 신강자초 (新疆紫草) <i>Arnebia euchroma</i> Johnst. 또는 내몽자초 (內蒙紫草) <i>Arnebia guttata</i> Bunge (지치과 Boraginaceae)의 뿌리이다. H Yamamoto, K Yazaki, K Inoue Simultaneous analysis of shikimate-derived secondary metabolites in Lithospermum erythrorhizon cell suspension cultures by high-performance liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 738 1 3-15 2000.1.28 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10778921 A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis system based on a water-acetonitrile gradient program was established for simultaneous quantification of shikimate-derived secondary metabolites in cultured cells of Lithospermum erythrorhizon. The cells cultured in pigment production medium (M-9) are capable of producing five highly hydrophilic compounds such as p-hydroxybenzoic acid-O-glucoside and lithospermic acid B, as well as eleven lipophilic compounds including echinofuran B and acetylshikonin. In addition to the wide polarities of those compounds, many of them are unstable under light, dryness, oxygen and heating. Thus, a new extraction procedure for all these compounds was also established by use of ultrasonication under ice-water chilling with MeOH as the solvent. This procedure was applied to the quantitative analyses of these compounds in cell cultures and hairy root cultures of Lithospermum, and in the intact plants as well.
410 Polygoni Multiflori Radix Polygonum Multiflorum Root 하수오 何首烏 덩이뿌리: 식물의 뿌리가 양분을 저장하기 위해 크고 뚱뚱해진 것으로, 녹말 등이 저장되어 있으며 다른 말로 괴근이라고도 한다. 이 약은 하수오 <i>Polygonum multiflorum</i> Thunberg (여뀌과 Polygonaceae)의 덩이뿌리이다. Y Chen, M Wang, R T Rosen, C T Ho 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical-scavenging active components from Polygonum multiflorum thunb. J Agric Food Chem 47 6 2226-8 1999.6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10794614 An activity-directed fractionation and purification process was used to identify the antioxidative components of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. (PM). Dried root of PM was extracted with 95% ethanol and then separated into water, ethyl acetate, and hexane fractions. Among these only the ethyl acetate phase showed strong antioxidant activity by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) test when compared with water and hexane phases. The ethyl acetate fraction was then subjected to separation and purification using silica gel column chromatography and Sephadex LH-20 chromatography. Three compounds showing strong antioxidant activity were identified by spectral methods ((1)H NMR, (13)C NMR, and MS) and by comparison with authentic samples to be gallic acid, catechin, and 2,3,5, 4'-tetrahydroxystilbene 2-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside.
270 Indigo Pulverata Levis Indigo 청대 靑黛 잎을 발효시켜 얻은 가루 이 약은 쪽 <i>Persicaria tinctoria</i> H. Gross 또는 마람(馬藍) <i>Baphicacanthus cusia</i> (Nees) Bremek. (여뀌과 Polygonaceae)의 잎을 발효시켜 얻은 가루이다. Y Minami, O Nishimura, I Hara-Nishimura, M Nishimura, H Matsubara Tissue and intracellular localization of indican and the purification and characterization of indican synthase from indigo plants. Plant Cell Physiol 41 2 218-25 2000.2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10795317 Indican (indoxyl beta-D-glucoside) was found to accumulate only in green leaves of the indigo plant, and not in any other tissues. Comparisons of the indican content of protoplasts and vacuoles showed that indican was stored only in the vacuole of the cell. Indican content appeared and increased with the appearance and growth of leaves. In mature plants, the younger leaves contained larger amounts of indican than the older ones. Cell extracts of young leaves of indigo plant catalyzed the synthesis of indican from UDP-glucose and indoxyl. Indican synthase was extracted and purified from young leaves. The enzyme was separated into two fractions by anion-exchange chromatography. The enzyme in the fraction which was eluted by 0.1 M NaCl had a molecular weight of 53,000 by SDS-PAGE. Optimum pH of the enzyme was at about 10.0, indicating that the enzyme is likely localized in a different intracellular compartment from that of indican storage. The enzyme showed normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics and a K(m) value of 0.13 mM for UDP-glucose.
475 Scutellariae Radix Scutellaria Root 황금 黃芩 뿌리 이 약은 속썩은풀 <i>Scutellaria baicalensis</i> Georgi (꿀풀과 Labiatae)의 뿌리로서 그대로 또는 주피를 제거한 것이다. L Qi, R Zhou, Y F Wang, Y C Zhu Study of major flavonoids in crude Scutellariae Radix by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. J Capillary Electrophor 5 5-6 181-4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10812426 A method of micellar electrokinetic capillary electrophoresis for determining the six flavonoids in Scutellariae Radix (i.e., baicalin, baicalein, wogonin 7-O-glucuronide, wogonin, oroxylin A 7-O-glucuronide, and oroxylin A) has been developed. The buffer solution (pH 7.24) composed of 20 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 20 mM sodium dihydrogen phosphate, and 25 mM sodium borate was found to be the most suitable electrolyte for the separation. The contents of the six flavonoids in crude Scutellariae Radix could easily be determined within about 15 min. On-column UV (254 nm) monitoring allowed the quantitative determination of baicalin. The effects of pH, surfactant concentration, and applied voltage on the migration behavior of the solutes were studied.
478 Sennae Folium Senna Leaf 번사엽 番瀉葉 센나엽 작은 잎 이 약은 협엽번사 (狹葉番瀉) <i>Cassia angustifolia</i> Vahl 또는 첨엽번사 (尖葉番瀉) <i>Cassia acutifolia</i> Delile (콩과 Leguminosae)의 작은 잎이다. S A Shah, M N Ravishankara, A Nirmal, C J Shishoo, I S Rathod, B N Suhagia Estimation of individual sennosides in plant materials and marketed formulations by an HPTLC method. J Pharm Pharmacol 52 4 445-9 2000.4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10813557 Senna is a well-known drug, used in the Ayurvedic and Allopathic systems of medicine, and is a treatment for constipation. The purgative action of senna and its formulations is due to the presence of sennosides A and B. An HPTLC method has been developed for the determination of individual sennosides (A, B, C, D) without any derivatization in marketed formulations (three tablet formulations, two granule formulations and one liquid formulation) and plant materials (senna leaf and pod). The methanolic solution of a sample was applied on a pre-coated silica gel G60 F254 TLC plate (E. Merck.) and was developed using n-propanol : ethyl acetate : water : glacial acetic acid (3 : 3 : 2 : 0.1 v/v) as the mobile phase. The relative band speeds (Rf values) obtained were 0.35, 0.25, 0.61, 0.46 for sennosides A, B, C and D, respectively. The densitometric response was monitored at 366nm. Calibration curves were found to be linear in the concentration ranges 193-1356, 402-2817, 71-497 and 132-927 ng per spot for sennosides A, B, C, and D, respectively. The correlation coefficients were found to be 0.9978, 0.9987, 0.9939 and 0.9983 respectively for sennosides A, B, C and D. The result obtained with the HPTLC method for total sennoside content was compared with the results using the pharmacopoeial methods (spectrophotometric (British Pharmacopoeia) and spectrofluorimetric (United States Pharmacopeia) using the 'F' test). The results revealed no significant difference in the three different methods for estimation of total sennoside. The proposed HPTLC method was found to be simple, specific, precise, accurate and rapid. It can be used for routine quality control of sennosides or senna-containing formulations for individual sennosides.
229 Ginkgo Folium Ginkgo Leaf 은행엽 銀杏葉 이 약은 은행나무 <i>Ginkgo biloba</i> Linné (은행나무과 Ginkgoaceae)의 잎이다. B D Sloley, L J Urichuk, P Morley, J Durkin, J J Shan, P K Pang, R T Coutts Identification of kaempferol as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor and potential Neuroprotectant in extracts of Ginkgo biloba leaves. J Pharm Pharmacol 52 4 451-9 2000.4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10813558 The effects of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract on rat brain or livermonoamine oxidase (MAO)-A and -B activity, biogenic amine concentration in nervous tissue, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)- and N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (DSP-4)-induced neurotoxicity and antioxidant activity was investigated to determine the effects of the extract on monoamine catabolism and neuroprotection. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract was shown to produce in-vitro inhibition of rat brain MAO-A and -B. The Ginkgo biloba extract was chromatographed on a reverse-phase HPLC system and two of the components isolated were shown to be MAO inhibitors (MAOIs). These MAOIs were identified by high-resolution mass spectrometry as kaempferol and isorhamnetin. Pure kaempferol and a number of related flavonoids were examined as MAOIs in-vitro. Kaempferol, apigenin and chrysin proved to be potent MAOIs, but produced more pronounced inhibition of MAO-A than MAO-B. IC50 (50% inhibition concentration) values for the ability of these three flavones to inhibit MAO-A were 7 x 10(-7), 1 x 10(-6) and 2 x 10(-6) M, respectively. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract and kaempferol were found to have no effect ex-vivo on rat or mouse brain MAO or on concentrations of dopamine, noradrenaline, 5-hydroxytryptamine and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid. Kaempferol was shown to protect against NMDA-induced neuronal toxicity in-vitro in rat cortical cultures, but did not prevent DSP-4-induced noradrenergic neurotoxicity in an in-vivo model. Both Ginkgo biloba extract and kaempferol were demonstrated to be antioxidants in a lipid-peroxidation assay. This data indicates that the MAO-inhibiting activity of Ginkgo biloba extract is primarily due to the presence of kaempferol. Ginkgo biloba extract has properties indicative of potential neuroprotective ability.
99 Capsici Fructus Capsicum 고추 苦椒 고초(苦椒) 열매 이 약은 고추 <i>Capsicum annuum</i> Linné 또는 그 변종(가지과 Solanaceae)의 열매이다. E E Creppy, F Richeux, M R Carratú, V Cuomo, C Cochereau, R Ennamany, D Saboureau Cytotoxicity of capsaicin in monkey kidney cells: lack of antagonistic effects of capsazepine and Ruthenium red. Arch Toxicol 74 1 40-7 2000.3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10817666 Capsaicin is a natural product of Capsicum peppers, excitatory effects of which have been shown to be mediated by the recently cloned vanilloid receptor 1 (VR1). Since previous studies have shown that capsaicin inhibits protein synthesis, experiments were performed to investigate whether this effect is mediated by VR1 receptor on cultured monkey kidney cells (Vero cells). The capsaicin uptake was assessed in cellular homogenate and in medium by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation and quantification on C18 reverse-phase column and fluorescence detection. Toxic effects were assessed by incorporation of [3H]L-leucine into cellular proteins in the presence of capsazepine, the VR1 vanilloid receptor antagonist and Ruthenium red or tyrosine or calcium. Capsazepine (1 to 256 microM) did not modify the uptake rate of capsaicin for incubation times up to 24 h and did not antagonize capsaicin-induced protein synthesis inhibition. It rather inhibited protein synthesis per se from 100 to 256 microM. Ruthenium red which blocks mitochondrial calcium uptake, inhibited protein synthesis and did not antagonise or increase synergistically the effects of capsaicin. Interestingly in a medium deprived of calcium and supplemented by calcium chloride (10-50 microM) the protein synthesis inhibition induced by capsaicin is antagonised somehow. There was no prevention of capsaicin diffusion into the cells. Tyrosine, which seems to be the best preventive agent of capsaicin inhibitory effects, prevents its metabolism but not its diffusion. Capsaicin might enter cells by diffusion and interfere with protein synthesis machinery by competition with tyrosine which in turn prevents the metabolism of capsaicin. The results of the present study suggest that cell responses to capsaicin may be transduced through at least two molecular pathways, one involving VR1, since the receptor antagonist capsazepine fails to prevent the inhibitory effect of capsaicin in Vero cells of renal origin.
148 Crocus Saffron 번홍화 番紅花 사프란 암술머리 이 약은 사프란 <i>Crocus sativus</i> Linné (붓꽃과 Iridaceae)의 암술머리이다. T Q Pham, F Cormier, E Farnworth, V H Tong, M R Van Calsteren Antioxidant properties of crocin from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and study of the reactions of crocin with linoleic acid and crocin with oxygen. J Agric Food Chem 48 5 1455-61 2000.5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10820042 Crocin-a water soluble carotenoid-is found in the fruits of gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis) and in the stigmas of saffron (Crocus sativus Linne). For crocin purification, gardenia fruits are extracted with 50% acetone, followed by ether washing, ion exchange, and separation by preparative HPLC. Purified crocin with purity of >99.6% has an antioxidative activity at concentrations up to 40 ppm. At 20 ppm the antioxidative activity of crocin is comparable to that of BHA. The antioxidant property of crocin as evaluated by the thiocyanate method was better than with the thiobarbituric acid method. The adduct between the linoleic acid radical and crocin was detected by LC-MS. When crocin reacted with oxygen in the presence of FeSO(4), intermediates such as monohydroperoxides and dihydroperoxides of crocin were formed and detected by LC-MS.
219 Gardeniae Fructus Gardenia Fruit 치자 梔子 열매 이 약은 치자나무 <i>Gardenia jasminoides</i> Ellis (꼭두서니과 Rubiaceae)의 잘 익은 열매로서 그대로 또는 끓는 물에 데치거나 찐 것이다. T Q Pham, F Cormier, E Farnworth, V H Tong, M R Van Calsteren Antioxidant properties of crocin from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and study of the reactions of crocin with linoleic acid and crocin with oxygen. J Agric Food Chem 48 5 1455-61 2000.5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10820042 Crocin-a water soluble carotenoid-is found in the fruits of gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis) and in the stigmas of saffron (Crocus sativus Linne). For crocin purification, gardenia fruits are extracted with 50% acetone, followed by ether washing, ion exchange, and separation by preparative HPLC. Purified crocin with purity of >99.6% has an antioxidative activity at concentrations up to 40 ppm. At 20 ppm the antioxidative activity of crocin is comparable to that of BHA. The antioxidant property of crocin as evaluated by the thiocyanate method was better than with the thiobarbituric acid method. The adduct between the linoleic acid radical and crocin was detected by LC-MS. When crocin reacted with oxygen in the presence of FeSO(4), intermediates such as monohydroperoxides and dihydroperoxides of crocin were formed and detected by LC-MS.
61 Astragali Radix Astragalus Root 황기 黃芪 뿌리 이 약은 황기 <i>Astragalus membranaceus</i> Bunge 또는 몽골황기 (蒙古黃芪) <i>Astragalus membranaceus</i> Bunge var. <i>mongholicus</i> Hsiao (콩과 Leguminosae)의 뿌리로서 그대로 또는 주피를 제거한 것이다. L Z Lin, X G He, M Lindenmaier, G Nolan, J Yang, M Cleary, S X Qiu, G A Cordell Liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry study of the flavonoids of the roots of Astragalus mongholicus and A. membranaceus. J Chromatogr A 876 1-2 87-95 2000.4.21 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10823504 High-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry has been applied to analyze the flavonoids of Huangqi, the roots of Astragalus mongholicus and A. membranaceus. Eight flavonoids were identified as calycosin-7-O-beta-D-glucoside, calycosin-7-O-beta-D-glucoside-6-O-malonate (2), ononin, (6aR,11aR)-3-hydroxy-9,10-dimethoxypterocarpan-3-O-bet a-D-glucoside, calycosin, (3R)-7,2'-dihydroxy-3',4'-dimethoxyisoflavan-7-O-beta-D-glucoside, formononetin-7-O-beta-D-glucoside-6-O-malonate and formononetin by direct comparison with the isolated standards from Huangqi. The existence of (6aR,11aR)-3-hydroxy-9,10-dimethoxypterocarpan, (3R)-7,2'-dihydroxy-3',4'-dimethoxyisoflavan, astrapterocarpanglucoside-6'-O-malonate and astraisoflavanglucoside-6'-O-malonate was detected. This is the first report of flavonoid glycoside malonates in these two Astragalus species, and malonate 2 is a structurally completely identified new compound.
179 Ephedrae Herba Ephedra Herb 마황 麻黃 초질경: 풀과 같이 세로로 곧게 뻗은 부드러운 줄기 이 약은 초마황 (草麻黃) <i>Ephedra sinica</i> Stapf, 중마황 (中麻黃) <i>Ephedra intermedia</i> Schrenk et C. A. Meyer 또는 목적마황 (木賊麻黃) <i>Ephedra equisetina</i> Bunge (마황과 Ephedraceae)의 초질경이다. K Lv, H Li, M Ding Analysis of tetramethylpyrazine in Ephedrae herba by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr A 878 1 147-52 2000.5.05 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10843553 A simple and reliable HPLC method was developed for the determination of 2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) in Ephedrae herba. Further identification of TMP was achieved using GC-MS. The mobile phase used was methanol-water-35% acetic acid (35:65:0.5, v/v/v) at a flow-rate of 0.8 ml/min. The detection wavelength was set at 290 nm. The linear range of the peak area calibration curve of TMP was 2.64-264 mg/l (r=0.9987) and the recovery for TMP in Ephedrae herba extracts was 101.1-106.9%. The relative standard deviations of retention time and peak area were 0.18 and 1.5% (n=6), respectively. The detection limit of TMP was 0.03 mg/l. The contents of TMP in Ephedrae herba could easily be determined within 10 min.
264 Humuli Strobilus Hops 호프 忽布 홉, 홀포(忽布) 구과: 열매가 성숙함에 따라 열매 둘레에 목질의 비늘조각이 벌어지는 과실 이 약은 홉 <i>Humulus lupulus</i> Linné (뽕나무과 Moraceae)의 잘 익은 구과(毬果)이다. R H Auerbach, D Kenan, G Davidson Characterization of varietal differences in essential oil components of hops (Humulus lupulus) by SFC-FTIR spectroscopy. J AOAC Int 83 3 621-6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10868585 A supercritical fluid chromatographic method combined with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy detection (SFC-FTIR) was developed for determination of varietal differences in essential oil constituents in hops (Humulus lupulus). Infrared spectra (IR) of the major constituents of essential oil of hops were taken as films deposited on AgCl discs and compared with those obtained after chromatographic separation in the IR flow-cell with supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2). Spectra from AgCl discs were comparable to those in scCO2, but in scCO2 most of the bands appeared approximately 8-10 cm-1 to higher wave numbers. Open-tubular SFC-FTIR analysis of the essential oil of 4 different hop varieties was performed. The SFC-FTIR chromatograms showed differences in the location and relative intensity of the peaks depending on the variety, which was further confirmed by consideration of their FTIR spectra.
86 Brassicae Semen Mustard seed 개자 芥子 겨자 이 약은 갓 <i>Brassica juncea</i> Czern. et Cosson 또는 그 변종 (십자화과 Cruciferae)의 잘 익은 씨이다. S Buskov, J Hasselstrøm, C E Olsen, H Sørensen, J C Sørensen, S Sørensen Supercritical fluid chromatography as a method of analysis for the determination of 4-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate degradation products. J Biochem Biophys Methods 43 1-3 157-74 2000.7.05 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10869674 In the present study analytical and preparative supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) were used for investigation of myrosinase catalysed degradation of 4-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate (sinalbin). Sinalbin occurs as a major glucosinolate in seeds of Sinapis alba L., in various mustards and other food products. The degradation products were identified and quantified by analysis based on a developed SFC method using a bare silica column. Determinations comprised transformation products of sinalbin, produced both during degradation of isolated sinalbin, and during autolysis of meal from S. alba seeds. The conditions in the developed SFC method were used as basis for the preparative SFC procedure applied for isolation of the components prior to their identification by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Myrosinase catalysed sinalbin hydrolysis resulted in the reactive 4-hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate as an initial product at pH values from 3.5 to 7.5 whereas 4-hydroxybenzyl cyanide was one of the major products at low pH values. 4-Hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate was found to disappear from the aqueous reaction mixtures in a few hours, as it reacted easily with available nucleophilic reagents. 4-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol was found as the product from reaction with water, and with ascorbic acid, 4-hydroxybenzylascorbigen was produced.
148 Crocus Saffron 번홍화 番紅花 사프란 암술머리 이 약은 사프란 <i>Crocus sativus</i> Linné (붓꽃과 Iridaceae)의 암술머리이다. P Lozano, D Delgado, D Gómez, M Rubio, J L Iborra A non-destructive method to determine the safranal content of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction combined with high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography. J Biochem Biophys Methods 43 1-3 367-78 2000.7.05 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10869688 A supercritical carbon dioxide extraction method to obtain selectively volatile compounds of saffron without sample destruction has been developed. The influence of both pressure and temperature was studied, 20 MPa and 100 degrees C being the best conditions to extract the total safranal content. A decrease in supercritical fluid density was shown to be a critical parameter for enhancing the extraction power of carbon dioxide. For all the assay conditions, the extracts mainly contained safranal and HTCC, as demonstrated by gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography analyses. Both chromatographic methods were suitable for safranal quantification and showed excellent agreement. Supercritical extracts from five different saffron types were studied by high-performance liquid chromatography and their safranal contents were determined.
475 Scutellariae Radix Scutellaria Root 황금 黃芩 뿌리 이 약은 속썩은풀 <i>Scutellaria baicalensis</i> Georgi (꿀풀과 Labiatae)의 뿌리로서 그대로 또는 주피를 제거한 것이다. M Hirotani, R Kuroda, H Suzuki, T Yoshikawa Cloning and expression of UDP-glucose: flavonoid 7-O-glucosyltransferase from hairy root cultures of Scutellaria baicalensis. Planta 210 6 1006-13 2000.5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10872235 A cDNA encoding UDP-glucose: baicalein 7-O-glucosyltransferase (UBGT) was isolated from a cDNA library from hairy root cultures of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi probed with a partial-length cDNA clone of a UDP-glucose: flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase (UFGT) from grape (Vitis vinifera L.). The heterologous probe contained a glucosyltransferase consensus amino acid sequence which was also present in the Scutellaria cDNA clones. The complete nucleotide sequence of the 1688-bp cDNA insert was determined and the deduced amino acid sequences are presented. The nucleotide sequence analysis of UBGT revealed an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 476 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 53,094 Da. The reaction product for baicalein and UDP-glucose catalyzed by recombinant UBGT in Escherichia coli was identified as authentic baicalein 7-O-glucoside using high-performance liquid chromatography and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The enzyme activities of recombinant UBGT expressed in E. coli were also detected towards flavonoids such as baicalein, wogonin, apigenin, scutellarein, 7,4'-dihydroxyflavone and kaempferol, and phenolic compounds. The accumulation of UBGT mRNA in hairy roots was in response to wounding or salicylic acid treatments.
439 Rhei Radix et Rhizoma Rhubarb 대황 大黃 뿌리, 뿌리줄기(땅속으로 뻗어있는 뿌리모양의 줄기로서 줄기의 마디에서 잔뿌리를 낸다.) 이 약은 장엽대황 (掌葉大黃) <i>Rheum palmatum</i> Linné, 탕구트대황 <i>Rheum tanguticum</i> Maximowicz ex Balf. 또는 약용대황 (藥用大黃) <i>Rheum officinale</i> Baillon (여뀌과 Polygonaceae)의 뿌리 및 뿌리줄기로서 주피를 제거한 것이다. W Li, C L Chan, H W Lueng Liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry as a tool for the characterization of anthraquinone derivatives from Chinese herbal medicine. J Pharm Pharmacol 52 6 723-9 2000.6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10875550 We have examined the anthraquinone derivatives of a Chinese herb medicine 'Rhubarb' by using HPLC/MS/MS, equipped with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source. The simultaneous determination of five ingredients in the sample extracts by HPLC/MS/MS was demonstrated. Product ion spectra of these components in the extracts were obtained and matched against known standards. Concentrations of these active ingredients were estimated by multiple reaction monitoring in the negative ion mode using a single HPLC run.
22 Allii Bulbus Garlic 대산 大蒜 호산(葫蒜) 인경: 비늘줄기. 줄기의 밑 부분에 다수의 비늘조각이 줄기를 둘러싸고 지하 저장기관의 역할을 하는 부분 이 약은 마늘 <i>Allium sativum</i> Linné (백합과 Liliaceae)의 비늘줄기이다. C Ip, M Birringer, E Block, M Kotrebai, J F Tyson, P C Uden, D J Lisk Chemical speciation influences comparative activity of selenium-enriched garlic and yeast in mammary cancer prevention. J Agric Food Chem 48 6 2062-70 2000.6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10888499 A recent human intervention trial showed that daily supplementation with selenized yeast (Se-yeast) led to a decrease in the overall cancer morbidity and mortality by nearly 50%; past research has also demonstrated that selenized garlic (Se-garlic) is very effective in mammary cancer chemoprevention in the rat model. The goal of this study was to compare certain biological activities of Se-garlic and Se-yeast and to elucidate the differences based on the chemical forms of selenium found in these two natural products. Characterization of organic selenium compounds in yeast (1922 microg/g Se) and garlic (296 microg/g Se) was carried out by high-performance liquid chromatography with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry or with electrospray mass spectrometry. Analytical speciation studies showed that the bulk of the selenium in Se-garlic and Se-yeast is in the form of gamma-glutamyl-Se-methylselenocysteine (73%) and selenomethionine (85%), respectively. The above methodology has the sensitivity and capability to account for >90% of total selenium. In the rat feeding studies, supplementation of Se-garlic in the diet at different levels consistently caused a lower total tissue selenium accumulation when compared to Se-yeast. On the other hand, Se-garlic was significantly more effective in suppressing the development of premalignant lesions and the formation of adenocarcinomas in the mammary gland of carcinogen-treated rats. Given the present finding on the identity of selenomethionine and gamma-glutamyl-Se-methylselenocysteine as the major form of selenium in Se-yeast and Se-garlic, respectively, the metabolism of these two compounds is discussed in an attempt to elucidate how their disposition in tissues might account for the differences in cancer chemopreventive activity.
152 Curcumae Longae Rhizoma Curcuma Longa Rhizome 강황 薑黃 뿌리줄기 (땅속으로 뻗어있는 뿌리모양의 줄기로서 줄기의 마디에서 잔뿌리를 낸다.) 이 약은 강황(薑黃) <i>Curcuma longa</i> Linné (생강과 Zingiberaceae)의 뿌리줄기로서 속이 익을 때까지 삶거나 쪄서 말린 것이다. B Gopalan, M Goto, A Kodama, T Hirose Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of turmeric (Curcuma longa). J Agric Food Chem 48 6 2189-92 2000.6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10888520 Turmeric oil was extracted from turmeric (Curcuma longa) with supercritical carbon dioxide in a semicontinuous-flow extractor. Extraction rate was measured as a function of pressure, temperature, flow rate, and particle size. The extraction rate increased with an increase in CO(2) flow rate and with a reduction of particle size. The effect of pressure and temperature on turmeric extraction suggested the use of higher pressure and lower temperature at which solvent density is greater and thus the solubility of the oil in the solvent is greater in the range of 313-333 K and 20-40 MPa. The major components ( approximately 60%) of the extracted oil were identified as turmerone and ar-turmerone by GC-MS.
99 Capsici Fructus Capsicum 고추 苦椒 고초(苦椒) 열매 이 약은 고추 <i>Capsicum annuum</i> Linné 또는 그 변종(가지과 Solanaceae)의 열매이다. D R Cremer, K Eichner Formation of volatile compounds during heating of spice paprika (Capsicum annuum) powder. J Agric Food Chem 48 6 2454-60 2000.6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10888567 Spice paprika (red pepper; Capsicum annuum) is the most cultivated spice worldwide and is used mainly for its color and pungency. However, current research is also focusing on the flavor as an important parameter. This paper deals with the kinetics of the formation of those volatiles that indicate a decrease in spice paprika quality due to Maillard reaction, hydrolytic reactions, and oxidative degradation reactions of lipids such as fatty acids and carotenoids. Spice paprika volatiles were quantitatively analyzed by means of headspace gas chromatography (HS-GC) and solid-phase microextraction (SPME) followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The kinetics of their formation were investigated, and the respective activation energies determined. Strecker aldehyde, acetone, and methanol formation followed a pseudo-zero-order reaction kinetic, and formation of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) was characterized by a first-order kinetic. The activation energies determined were between 86.3 and 101.8 for the Strecker aldehydes acetaldehyde (AA), 2-methylpropanal (2-MP), 3-methylbutanal (3-MB), and 2-methylbutanal (2-MB), 130.7 for acetone, 114.2 for methanol, and 109.7 kJ/mol for DMS. The amounts of Strecker aldehydes formed were correlated to the concentrations of the corresponding free amino acids present in the samples. The formation of hexanal and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one in Capsicum annuum during processing was confirmed, and the formation of beta-ionone was probably described for the first time. During heating, the concentration of hexanal increased rapidly. The formation of 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one confirms that Capsicum annuum fruits contain lycopene.
92 Bupleuri Radix Bupleurum Root 시호 柴胡 뿌리 이 약은 시호 <i>Bupleurum falcatum</i> Linné 또는 그 변종 (산형과 Umbelliferae)의 뿌리이다. I S Park, E M Kang, N Kim High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of saponin compounds in Bupleurum falcatum. J Chromatogr Sci 38 6 229-33 2000.6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10890745 A mixture of saponin compounds (saikosaponin c, a, and d) in the 70% ethanol extract of a powdered sample of Bupleuri radix are analyzed by an Inertsil ODS-3 C(18) column at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min and detection wavelength of 203 nm. Well resolved chromatograms of saikosaponin c, a, and d are obtained with a gradient elution of acetonitrile-water from 40:60 (v/v) to 50:50 (v/v). The total time required for a single analysis is approximately 20 min. Calibration curves for saikosaponin c, a, and d are linear up to 2.5 mg/mL. The coefficient of variability values for saikosaponins in the extract are below 4%, and the recoveries for saikosaponin c, a, and d are 95.2 +/- 1.1, 96.5 +/- 0.9, and 96.2 +/- 1.0%, respectively. The changes in saikosaponin contents for a two-year growth of Bupleurum falcatum are measured by the established high-performance liquid chromatography method.
229 Ginkgo Folium Ginkgo Leaf 은행엽 銀杏葉 이 약은 은행나무 <i>Ginkgo biloba</i> Linné (은행나무과 Ginkgoaceae)의 잎이다. P Mauri, P Pietta Electrospray characterization of selected medicinal plant extracts. J Pharm Biomed Anal 23 1 61-8 2000.8.01 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10898155 Extracts of selected medicinal plants were examined by electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). This technique allowed identification of the main components of each extract, thereby providing a typical finger-print of the examined plants. More specifically, anthocyanins (Vaccinium myrtillus), isoflavones (Glycine max, soybean), flavonol-glycosides and terpenes (Ginkgo biloba), triterpenes (Centella asiatica), caffeoyl-quinic acids (Cynara scolymus, artichoke), ginsenosides (Panax ginseng), catechins (Camellia sinensis, green tea) and flavones and flavanones (Propolis) were detected rapidly at levels in the range of 0.1-1 microg/ml, using 0.2-1 mg/ml of each medicinal plant extract.
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성분-타겟 매핑




조회수 933


산림 약용 생물자원 분포 위치

산림 약용 생물자원 분포 위치




조회수 939


약용 생물자원 구성성분 SMILES

약용 생물자원 구성성분 SMILES




조회수 749


약용 생물자원 구성성분 이미지

약용 생물자원 구성성분 이미지




조회수 884


약용 생물자원 구성성분 구조 데이터 파일

약용 생물자원 구성성분 구조 데이터 파일




조회수 956


산림 약용 생물자원 발견 시기

산림 약용 생물자원 발견 시기




조회수 965


약용 생물자원 생산 가공 정보

약용 생물자원 생산 가공 정보




조회수 838


약용 생물자원 구성성분 PubChem 매핑

약용 생물자원 구성성분 PubChem 매핑



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